Chapter 10

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.....All Of Me Belongs To You....

Chapter 10:


Khushi sighed and looked at the mirror, checking herself out for the last time before going down for the function.

It's not as if she wants to be beautiful for him...

Nope... Definitely not..

A pale blue and golden lehanga....

It's not as if she chosen a color that will make her look brighter for him or anything.

She liked the color....

That's it and nothing else.

Today was the day of her engagement..

She chose the dress and even decorations unlike last time.

Khushi don't know why she was behaving like this.

Hadn't she thought as long as it's not Rahul, she will be fine marrying anyone..?

Hadn't she thought as long as her fiancé allowed her to study then, anyone's fine..?

Hadn't she thought as long as she achieved her dream then, everything's fine..?

Then, why...?

He's a decent man, rich, polite, allowed her to study, let her choose, was polite to her parents even though he's super rich and has not even blamed her for all this media mess..

What more she wants...?

Why cannot her heart stop yearning for something..?

Why does she still wants something in this relationship..?

Three days...

It has been three days and still she could not reach him in mobile.

She wanted to apologize to him but every time she called, Aman attended her call and informed her that he's busy and once he's free, he will call her.

He didn't call her nor did he attend her calls.

Is he still angry at her for that day..?

She wanted to apologize. She knew that what she uttered was wrong, completely wrong of her to drag his parents in this.


All her friends are attending this today and now she don't know how to put on an act and she didn't discuss anything with him either.

Will he act for her sake in front of her friends...?

Or, will he be angry with her and expose their not so perfect relationship in front of her friends and relatives..?

Her friends have high expectations of him because she had never accepted any love proposals from her schooldays. Because she knew her parents will want an arranged marriage for her and above all she just wanted to achieve her dreams and not to get tangled in love..

Her friends were all surprised that she didn't have crush on anyone nor did she accept any proposals even from college's most famous boys.

They all thought that she had hidden her love life from them and they will interrogate him in today's function.

"Come on Khushi. You are beautiful already. How long are you going to admire yourself.? Everyone's down there. Come on..."

Payal Di called her out and Khushi sighed before getting out of the room.

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