Chapter 35

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....All Of Me Belongs To You....

Chapter 35:


(A/N: I apologize for the delay.. I was unwell and couldn't write with calm mind so I really am sorry for the delay in updating..)

Khushi watched in silent horror of Arnav ji standing amidst of the broken pieces of glasses...

And the posture, the way he stood everything was so out of Arnav ji...

Just like how Aman ji spent hours explaining about how the characters looked and how different it's from Arnav ji...

If Khushi's guess is right then it's Arnav Malik, standing amongst the broken pieces of the glasses belonged to a very beautiful glass table.

Khushi went to just get some coffee for Arnav ji since he hadn't eaten anything but when she came to the room back, the room was in such a mess that she had dropped the coffee cup, looking at another personality.

“Arnav Malik.."

Khushi whispered and moved towards him but he turned towards her, a glass piece in his hand over wrist, warning in his eyes to not come..

“Don't come near..."

“Ok... Ok.. I won't but please... Please drop the glass piece.. Please.."

Khushi could not lose her Arnav ji after all they went through to get where they are now..

And the pain in Malik's personality's eyes were so hard to look at. She wanted to help him too after all he lives inside Arnav ji's mind..

“Why should I? No one needs me, Khushi.... There's always a fight going in the mind of Arnav and I am so tired of all this... And the one person who was kind to all of the personalities was Aman, who was also gone too.. Now.. Arnav won't need us too.. I don't want to live anymore.."

Khushi slowly took steps while talking,

“That doesn't mean I can let go of my husband.."

Arnav Malik smiled sadly while a lone tear trailed his cheek,

God! What had Arnav ji's parents did to him to become like this? It's terrible to see a person cry while smiling. How much pain they had gone through to be this miserable.

Just thinking about it, made her heart ache..

“Please, listen to me.. You can't do this to us. Aman ji had given his life to ensure Arnav ji lives happily. And you're taking it away. Remember how many times Aman ji had taken care of you too.. Why are you doing this?"

With her words, Malik was hesitating and Khushi took this opportunity to push the glass piece away from his loosened hold.

He looked angered at her but there was a resignation in those eyes that scared her...

“Tell me, why do I have to live with all the pain? Why do I have to live.? Arnav was the one who created me and why do I have no say in this..? Why?"

Khushi pointed a finger at him like telling off a rebellious teenager,

“I agree that you all have your own feelings.. If you want to leave this world by committing suicide, you're also taking my husband too..."

All of a sudden Malik knelt down in the midst of broken glass pieces, making Khushi to kneel too.

“What happened..?"

“It looks like Arnie won the fight... My time has come to an end.. I want to end all this chaos before anyone takes over again.."

Saying that, he moved towards the dropped piece of glass and Khushi hugged him even though she wanted to slap him for trying to take her husband away from her..

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