Chapter 05

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Chapter 05:

Arnav tossed around in sleep, his mind in haze.

Arnav could feel even in his sleep, tensed when the memories were being vaguely recalled.

~~~ASR looking at the mirror in the work room and sneered at it..

Arnav Singh Raizada, C.E.O of AR fashion, yet no fashion sense at all.

ASR hated sharing this body with Arnav.

ASR loathed Arnav because this was his body, not Arnav's. ASR's only dream in life is to make Arnav disappear permanently and live in this body peacefully.

It's always a constant struggle to who remained in this body.

Arnav doesn't know how difficult is it to remain inside and to fight with all other personalities to come out. ASR is ashamed to admit that he had lost the mental fights sometimes and that too to that playboy Arnie.

After Arnav, the Playboy Arnie is the most unlikeable person in ASR's hate list.

God...! Both Arnav and Arnie irritates the hell out of him.

But not today.....

ASR had won the fight and took over Arnav's body...


For so long he had been waiting for this....


ASR looked around to find dresses in a closet and took the darkest among them.


To finally wear something like this....

ASR left Arnav's phone, not wanting Aman to track him and moved outside.

ASR didn't come out to enjoy freedom today...

This time, he had a reason....

He has been searching for someone ever since he came to India whenever he came out and that too in secret even from Arnav.

ASR had finally found the person he was searching for years and he was going to see them today...

ASR smirked, moving outside...

Poor Arnav was freaking about marriage ever since that old lady has mentioned marriage.

Arnav is such a weak minded person...

ASR took a cab and hopped on it hoping to meet the person he has been searching for.

ASR has a plan and he is going to meet with that person....

Wait till he meets them...

ASR will make Arnav suffer and finally disappear from this body.~~~~~

Arnav woke up with a gasp.

What was that..?

Arnav wiped his forehead of sweat.


It was the memory of him disappearing after the party yesterday. So what must have happened is,

ASR had changed his dress and took a cab in search of someone and somehow ended up near the marriage hall and helped that girl somehow.

Who was ASR searching...?

Did ASR met them...?

Why did ASR didn't want him to find out about this..?

Why did a cruel person like ASR helped a girl..?

Thinking round and round lead him to nowhere.

But ASR thinking didn't really surprise him.

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