Chapter 07

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....All Of Me Belongs To You....

Chapter 07:



Khushi got up from her seat in shock and gaped at Arnav.

Did she hear right?

Did he just say that let's marry for real..?

“Mr. Raizada.."

“Ms. Gupta, please sit down"

His tone made her feel like he's treating a child while he is a matured adult.

Khushi gritted her teeth, hating that tone and his calm composure and sat down, not wanting to throw a tantrum like a child.

She can talk and behave maturely like an adult too.

She saw him smirk lightly and realized that he purposely used that tone so she will behave like this.

Damn it...

“What do you have against marrying me?"

“What do you mean what.? How can you just ask some stranger to marry? Or is that your intention all along to just marry me by leaking this video in media? Just so it will come to this?"

“Ms. Gupta, Are you accusing me of purposely leaking the video, ruining my own reputation along with Raizada name just so I could marry a simple girl.?"

Even Khushi felt that far stretched. Logically it's not likely that these are his intentions.

Why would he go out of his way to marry her when all he could do is ask her hand from her adoptive parents and they would have agreed immediately.

“I am sorry, Mr. Raizada"

“It's fine since we don't know each other at all. It'sokay to be suspicious. "

God...! Why don't he show some kind of emotion in his face.? Why is he so calm like watching a channel or something.?

“But, I cannot agree to this marriage Mr. Raizada. If I have to marry then I could have married Rahul anyway and I wouldn't have asked your help to stop that marriage."

“No, you wouldn't have, Ms. Khushi. You stopped the marriage because you wanted to continue your studies and become a doctor, right? Mr. Rahul wanted you to be house wife only. So you refused."

“I have a lover, Mr. Raizada."

“No, you don't, Ms. Khushi, else you would not have agreed to arranged marriage. You only refused to the marriage because of Mr. Rahul being your groom. Even if so, your lover would've stopped the marriage instead of me."


How does he know about all these....?

Khushi didn't know why things has to turn this way.

“That doesn't mean I can marry anyone, Mr. Raizada. You just can't compel someone to marry you."

“I am not compelling you, I am just telling you to consider it. I want you to listen carefully before jumping to conclusions."

“Then tell me why would I have to marry you, Mr. Raizada.?"

“Consider this like an arranged marriage, Ms. Khushi. I am well educated, financially stabled and rich."

Khushi just nodded to him knowing all of these are true.

“I can allow you to study too. Even after all that if you come to dislike being together after two or more years, I won't hold you back from applying divorce."

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