Chapter 06

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.....All Of Me Belongs To You....

Chapter 06:


Aman looked at the girl sitting on the passenger seat from the mirror.

His Master Arnav had been troubled by this girl because of his ASR personality.

ASR personality never did went calmly inside without causing any trouble.

To an outsider like Aman who manages everything, even he himself feels tired sometimes dealing with other personalities. Aman cannot even imagine what must be Master Arnav going through with all these personalities and how chaotic his mind was all the time.

Master is a wonderful human being whom Aman was so lucky to meet in his life.

At first it was of gratitude that Aman served Master Arnav but as the time passed, Aman get to know a little bit more of Arnav Singh Raizada and Aman respected him with all his being..

It was one night when Master Arnav was clutching his head and gasping for breath, screaming yet silently without making any sound so that no one will know....

That tugged Aman's heart like nothing ever did....

What unfortunate life a wonderful being like his Master Arnav has to go through...?

That day, that minute Aman vowed to himself that he will look after his Master as long as Aman breathed.

After that time Aman had stood beside Master Arnav from family problems to surviving bullet attacks. There has not been a normal or easy day in Master's life.

If his Master's life is this hard even after Aman covering up and looking after him, then how hard it must have been for his Master before Aman served him.

Aman was worried about how his Master was going to solve this huge scandal.

If only Aman had looked and found his Master turning to ASR that dayduring party, he would've sedated him.


Khushi ignored the curious glances of the driver or secretary or whoever it is..

Khushi wanted to kill herself and revive herself again to kill herself once more.

What the hell kind of embarrassing plan was that in a moment of insanity or stupidity, Khushi didn't know. It turned everything into even worse.

She had dug her own grave by escaping from other grave...

Honestly, Khushi didn't know that he was the heir of Raizada family.

How could she have known..?

He is not a well known face like Salman Khan..

When he agreed to help and acted along, she didn't know who he was.. After her marriage stopped, Khushi was quite happy her marriage stopped no matter how foolish her plan was.

But just half an hour later, while she was being scolded by her aunt and uncle, the news had been telecasting in news channels and it shocked the hell out of her like nothing ever did.

Khushi gasped at the news while her business minded adoptive family was happy somehow that he's at least someone rich in business field.

What possessed her...?

Seriously, what possessed her to ask his help..?

But somewhere deep inside, Khushi felt guilty that she had dragged him into this situation when he was helping her.

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