Chapter 28

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....All Of Me Belongs To You....

Chapter 28:


Khushi looked around and found it strange that Arnav ji had parked around a huge house, which only felt intimidating with it's surrounding.

The wrongness she felt doubled and she gripped her mobile tighter when Arnav ji opened the car door for her.

This was not right....

Something felt off..

Arnav ji grabbed her arm, making her mobile fall, which made her realize how he's not her Arnav ji at all.

The kind eyes were gone replaced with cruel look.

Arnav ji hadn't been himself after the breakdown he had two days ago. That's why she was eager when he said that they should go outside sometimes.


Khushi shuddered in fear hearing the intensity behind his words..

Who was it..?

It was not Arnie nor Arnav Malik because she had met both of them twice and they were perfectly harmless..

So was it ASR or Aru?

No... Arnav ji had told her that Aru was a nine year old and never often comes out..


Khushi whispered and the grip he had on her tightened painfully, making her gasp..

“Ah... My Khushi.. Recognized me, huh?"

Khushi felt disgusted and tried to get her hand from him.. She hated it.. She hated it when he dragged her inside.

She screamed for help even though she knew there was no one around.

“You pain me Khushi.. I won't hurt you.. You must have heard it wrong from that stupid cowardly, Arnav."

Khushi stopped her struggling and glared at him despite her fear.

“Don't.. Don't you dare speak about my Arnav like that.."

The hand tightened even more, making her gasp in pain..

“I am warning you, Khushi.. Do not anger me by speaking about him."

ASR twisted her hand and tears threatened to spill put of her eyes but Khushi gritted her teeth.

She promised herself..

To be brave no matter what..

As Arnav ji said he seems to be obsessed with her and thinks that he's in love with her and she cannot encourage his feelings even if he hurt her because everything Khushi was, solely belonged to her Arnav ji..

“Why can't I speak about him? He's my husband.."

“Do not forget how you got married Khushi.. It was I who made you marry him so that you will be near me all the time.."

“I don't care how we got married because he's my husband nonetheless."

Khushi felt like standing near a lion who was getting angrier the more the seconds passed.

“Oh.. Did he tell you how you engaged to Arnie? Married to Arnav? How does it feel?"

Khushi could see the desperation in ASR's eyes to turn her away from Arnav ji..

But, she has nothing to fear because her love for her Arnav ji surpassed everything.

“I know.. Arnav ji had told me everything.. I trust him.."

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