Chapter 14

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....All Of Me Belongs To You....

Chapter 14:


It was too tiresome...

Looking at the girl opposite of him, her eyes expressing the lust.

He thought it will be more of a challenge to him, but this girl too was after his money and looks, so easy to make her fall for his charms...

He leaned and captured her lips and kissed her, trying to get in the mood...

Usually it excited him but it was no use today...

Arnie had came out to play today.

But, this is sort of disturbing as nothing was fun.

And he kept on remembering how soft the cheek was when he leaned to kiss Khushi...

And it bothered him to no end...

He pulled away from the kiss and the girl whose name he doesn't even remember, who leaned and started kissing his neck, smearing her lipstick along.

It was irritating...

Arnie pushed her away, finally getting bored enough to not even pretend to be good with her.

He got up ignoring the protests and with some irritation, moved towards the exit of the club all the while ignoring the strange looks from some girls since he usually stayed throughout night..

Today was different....

He didn't feel like it...

Such a waste since he had come out fighting ASR and Arnav to conquer this body for a while..

Just because the image of Khushi's cheek stuck to his mind...

No, Arnie cannot be controlled and that too just because of a memory...

Arnie sneered looking at Arnav's dog...


As usual he took care of every mess he made, every scandal he created...

He was just there waiting for Arnav to come and tolerated almost anything for him...

Such loyalty...

Aman looked at him from the mirror when he sat on the back seat, even though Aman was surprised he didn't question anything to him.

Aman doesn't care about anyone else than Arnav.

“Where to?"

Nor did Aman speak respectfully with anyone other than Arnav..

In fact Aman had found it's him and it's not Arnav in the body when he was trying to sneak away from home to go out but Aman found out just like always.

So he compromised with Aman to behave in office and instead he will drive Arnie to wherever he wanted to until night..

So Arnie had gone straight to drinking and playing with girls but soon got bored...

“Game center..."

They have their own game center and Arnie unbuttoned two more buttons, relieved to do this in privacy since he hated showing his burn scars to anyone..

Arnie leaned back on his seat and sighed...

What ASR and Arnav failed to understand is that each personality has their own meaning for existing..

Each personality is suppressed emotions of Arnav and they come out to vent some of his emotions...

Arnie personality exists because of one thing.....

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