Chapter 16

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....All Of Me Belongs To You...

Chapter 16:


Armaan Singh Raizada looked at the bird flying around the little tree in the back garden from where he sat at the ground with the shades offered by the trees and plants.

As a Raizada heir, Armaan had almost everything in his life and till his age of thirteen, he has been the centre of everyone's attention even his Dadi.

Everyone thought, Armaan will be the most suitable candidate to the tiltle head of Raizada family since Akaash was little soft and Anjali Di was full of bitterness with the way her mother abandoned her.

At age thirteen, he thrived in everyone's attention but then came Arnav Singh Raizada to Raizada Mansion and Armaan hated him because all of a sudden, he became the center of attention.

Granted, it had been childish jealousy but soon he learned to mask his true emotions and adopted a friendly and kind aura to him.

At first, it was only childish jealousy but then it turned into bitter hate as the years passed.

Even though Arnav was far away in foreign country, he captured everyone's attention with the results he got in academic and both extra curricular activities.

Even though Armaan tried his best and achieved things just like Arnav.. It was never enough..

It was never enough for his grandmother and to his father, nothing mattered.

His father thought that all Armaan has to do was just breathe and he can take care of everything till he becomes head of the family.

His mother was busy with her party life while his father was obsessed with the head post and power, Armaan started to hate the whole Raizada name and family.

The attention he thrived in during his child because of being a Raizada had turned into self loathing.

Armaan knew, his dad and grandmother kept tabs of him so he cannot even befriend anyone without looking at their status and company background.

The only girls he was allowed to speak with were rich girls and they are all way more money minded and showed intrest only in Raizada name.

Nothing was going right in his life while he was in college. He felt suffocated and he forgot all about Arnav Singh Raizada nor did he care anything about getting results to impress his dadi or father anymore. He was tired of it all.

Just then, Arnav came to India after finishing his graduate degree. Frankly, he didn't even feel jealous anymore. Armaan did get mature over years.

He just didn't care about anything anymore so it was a surprise when Arnav refused to accept the CEO position Dadi offered and started a small fashion company, standing on his own.

There it was again...

The jealousy started rising in him again..

Here he was, chained by his father, mother and Dadi till he felt suffocated while Arnav had the freedom to start his own company and pusue his dreams with passion.

It still was a wonder how he convinced Dadi to allow him to start a business.

His father, Anjali and Akaash's parents all ridiculed Arnav and his business but soon Arnav's company bacame a lot famous and started making a name for itself, shutting every mouth that mocked and ridiculed him.

Armaan grudgingly admired that Arnav started off from nowhere and achieved things par with other heirs who with the help of their parents alone became rich..

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