Chapter 13

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..All Of Me Belongs To You...

Chapter 13:



She was already sad leaving her house even though they were her adoptive parents, they did love her in their own way and to leave Payal Di, Khushi never imagined it even in her dreams.

But no matter what, even in this modern age, girls still has to leave their home after marriage.

From the morning after the marriage ceremony, her tears couldn't be stopped. She was really sad but now the situation was even more depressing.

She had spent three days, carefully packing everything and prepared herself mentally. But she never expected this cold atmosphere between them..

He seemed so far and cold towards her ever since they married. Khushi didn't know what she did wrong.

After reaching Raizada Mansion, she was in awe of it. This mansion seemed enormous even more than the photos she had seen in the internet.

Servants and maids were all around and it seemed at least 100 workers were working in the Mansion.

After greeting everyone and finishing some more rituals among the relatives, she was brought to a room to change into Raizada's traditional dress for their first night.

After that, they had sent her along with some maids towards a car in which he was waiting.

Maids explained that the mansion has five separate buildings and they had to eat at least once in the main building. And for now they're going towards the building where Arnav Ji stays.

Soon the maids all went away after they reached the building. She looked around curiously when he did all kind of check ups for security.

There was surprisingly no servants in here, that means he stays all alone in this vast building?

"This is the first floor."

Finally, he spoke...

He has been silent throughout and she was afraid to break the silence between them.

"This is the first floor where I sometimes work and Aman stays here most of the time."

So Aman stays here? Khushi looked around in wonder.

"I will show you where you will staying, come on."

With that, he moved towards the stairs instead of the elevator. She climbed the stairs, following him from few distances behind and was surprised to find an indoor pool with a glass covered rooftop..

Are they going to stay here?

Because, it's beautiful...

"This is the third floor. Don't worry, The glass rooftop only shows outside, no one can see the inside and it's not breakable."

Saying that, he moved towards the room near the pool.

"The first room is the bedroom and the next is a study room for you. Your things will be brought here after the security check by Aman tomorrow."

She nodded taking in everything.

"Ok, now let me come to the main point. I want you to listen very carefully. I don't care what you do in here or what are you up to but I want you to follow two rules, just two simple rules."

She was confused about the rules but she decided to listen to him, wanting to hear from his side of view. She can't be selfish anymore.

"Don't have any affair with anyone because media's attention will be on you if you go out.."

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