(5) Get Used To It

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"DO YOU WANT SOME coffee?" I ask as I walk to the kitchen while this stranger awkwardly stood in the middle of the living room, not even sure what he's supposed to do inside the apartment he probably broke into yesterday.

     "I don't drink coffee," he answered, instantly making me stop grabbing a mug.

     Alright, then, no coffee.


     "No thank you."



     "Then what do you want me to serve you? Dog food?" I jokingly ask, but this man looks back at me like I was an idiot as he says, "I'm not a dog."

     "Wow, he actually said something normal for once," I whisper to myself as I grab a glass and poured some milk in it instead. "Here," I say as I placed the glass on top of the island counter. "I don't have anything else, so if you don't like milk, you can just grab a glass of water."

     The man stares at the glass of milk and doesn't complain anymore as he finally drinks it with no question. While he was drinking it, I leaned on the counter and asked him, "What's your name stranger?"

     The man puts the glass down and wipes his milk-stained lips before answering, "Hunter. My name's Hunter."

     "Oh come on, you can stop with the 'I'm Hunter the dog' prank. I'm not calling the cops on you anymore so you can just tell me the truth," I reassured him, but the man furrowed his brows like he was confused by what I was talking about.

     "But...my name really is Hunter," he says, and I take a deep breath and walked in front of him so he could fully understand what I'm trying to tell him.

     "Look, we're going to talk about where you hid my dog later, but for now you gotta tell me who you really are. If you need a place to crash, then I'll let you stay here. If you're looking for a job, I'll help you, but you gotta be honest with me," I tell him, and the man nods his head like he fully understood what I mean.

     "You want me to be honest right?" He asks, and I nod my head as a reply.

     "Alright, let me be honest then. I met you at the association during the choosing session with Ms. Christine. When I met you, you were afraid of me and tried to run away from me, but when I saw you, I knew that you were going to be the man that I was going to protect for the rest of my life, and no amount of papers and chains will change that fact," he seriously tells me, and all I could do was look at him with complete shock.

     This guy is being dead serious. Even a stalker wouldn't be able to know that. There's just no way.

     "I don't care if you believe me or not, but please, let me continue to protect you. I'll do everything to gain your trust. I promise to be a good boy, just please don't kick me out again," he continued with such a desperate expression that I couldn't help but cover my mouth in disbelief.

     He's not lying.

     He's not fucking lying.

     What on earth is the Companion's Association?

     "H-Hunter?" I call out, my voice shaking as I said it.

     The man who claims to be Hunter gave out a sad smile as he replied, "Welcome home."

     As soon as he said those words, a tear suddenly falls from my eyes. I didn't even know why I was crying, but before I could even think of the right answer, Hunter grabs my arm and pulls me in for a tight embrace. My entire body relaxes in an instant. His warmth felt familiar that I couldn't help but rest my head on his shoulders, finally putting my guard down completely.

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