(17.5) The Interview

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I WAS AT MY office, sitting in front of my desk, bouncing my leg up and down because of how nervous I felt. I couldn't remove my eyes from my computer screen, but then, Bianca—one of our junior writers—suddenly touches my shoulder, making me flinch.

     "Mr. McCartney, shall we begin?" She asks.

     I took a deep breath and adjusted my necktie before finally removing my eyes from the screen. Sitting in front of me was a gorgeous-looking man who was wearing a simple black shirt and plain jeans, yet he still managed to make it look breathtaking.

     "Good morning...Mr. Noah Price," I greeted, and Noah, who I'm more familiar with as Hunter, smirked and leans his back on the chair before placing his feet on top of his knee.

     "Good morning," he says back, and the way he said it made me gulp.

     I tried to stay calm as I looked around the office. Sitting beside me were Bianca and Jane, and then there was another guy from the photography department who was taking pictures for the interview's documentation.

     Another group adjusted the light, and then, when everything was now set, I looked at Jane and nodded my head toward her, giving her the go signal that she can now begin.

     Jane clears her throat and looks down at the notebook that she was holding before saying, "To begin this interview, can we ask that you introduce yourself first."

     Hunter adjusts himself in his seat and nods his head before he can start introducing himself. "My name is Noah Price, I'm thirty-two years old, and I was born on the 12th of August," he says, surprising me since I didn't know if that was his actual birthday or not.

     Wait, how have I not asked him anything about himself yet? Isn't that supposed to be like basic knowledge? We're literally living together and I don't know anything about him.

     "Alright. Can you give us your height and weight?" Jane asks next.

     "I'm 179 cm tall, and about 73 kg in weight."

     "How about hobbies? Do you have any?"

     "I like to work out, so I enjoy going on a jog every morning. But recently, I've been busy with other...physical...activities," Hunter suddenly answers before glancing at me, almost making me choke on air.

     "Interesting," Jane calmly says as she writes everything down. "How about modeling? Have you been interested in that?"

     "To be honest this is my first modeling job, but I'm enjoying it so far. I've grown to be comfortable in front of a camera, and I've also enjoyed the stares," he says, and then he looks back at us and winks, instantly making Bianca and the others hide a smile.

     "Okay, now let's talk about the things you do in your past time. What makes you relatable to others?" Jane asks next.

     "Relatable to others? I'm not sure. With a face and body like this, do you think people will get to relate to me?" Hunter manages to joke, making everyone in the room laugh.

     Wow, he's actually a natural at this. It seems like he really knows how to keep the crowd going. He's always with me so I've never really noticed his social skills.

    "But on a serious note, I just like to stay at home most of the time like everyone else. I love cooking, cleaning the house, and even the laundry. It's surprisingly very relaxing to me, all out therapeutic," he answers, which was something that surprised Jane and the others. I guess Hunter doesn't look the type to be enjoying household chores.

     "I don't know if that makes you relatable or if it only made you harder to reach," Jane comments, making Hunter laugh this time.

     The interview went on for a couple more minutes, and I could tell that Hunter was thankfully enjoying himself. He answered the questions with ease, and we ended things on a good note. If Hunter was a real celebrity, he'd definitely be a fan favorite with that personality of his.

     "And that's a wrap. Thanks, Noah, you can take a break," Jane says, approaching Hunter and shaking his hand. Afterward, Jane approaches me and pats me on the shoulder. "Good job today team leader. Want to grab lunch with us?"

     "No, it's fine. I'll stay here," I answer, and Jane nods her head in understanding, almost like she already expected what my answer would be.

     "Anyway, I'm still surprised that Timothy suddenly quit, but the new photographer is just as good so the overall vibe of the photos doesn't look too different from each other," Jane then says, and all I could do was nod my head to agree with her.

     No one really knows about what happened between Timothy and me except for Mr. Peters, but thankfully Timothy left before things could become messy. I asked Hunter if he had something to do with it, but he just shrugged his shoulder and told me to not worry about anything, so I just let it go.

     "Looks like we're heading out. See you later," Jane then says, smiling at me and heading out of the room.

     The rest of the employees in my office left as well, leaving Hunter and me alone inside the room. As soon as the door closed, Hunter walks towards me and pulls me off my seat, making me chuckle.

     "Was I a good boy today daddy?" He asks, taking a seat on my chair before pulling me in so I could sit on his lap.

     "You're a crazy idiot," I tell him, making him chuckle.

     "But I'm your idiot," he answers, suddenly leaning close to kiss me on the lips.

     "W-Wait, Hunter, someone might see," I say, a bit nervous that someone might suddenly barge inside the office.

     "Don't worry, they're already out to grab lunch, so while we're alone, let me eat mine too," he then says, leaning close and finally pressing his lips on mine.

     I didn't respond to his touch because I was still nervous, but after a while, I finally gave in and started kissing him back, pushing my tongue inside his mouth to taste him better. After a while, I finally pulled away so I could catch my breath. "Let's stop for now," I say in a soft voice as my entire cheeks turn red.

     "Okay," Hunter answers, wrapping his arms around my waist and giving me a quick peck on the lips.

     The office was now silent since everyone else left to eat, so I took the opportunity to take a quick nap. I've been working on this project for days and I think I haven't slept properly since.

     "Is your birthday really on the 12th of August, or was that something you just made up?" I asked, wrapping my arms around Hunter's neck and resting my head on his shoulder.

     Hunter starts caressing my head to help me relax, and while he was doing so, he answered, "That was real. My birthday really is on August 12."

     "That's good to know," I answer, my eyes slowly feeling heavy as Hunter continued to touch my head.

     "Shall we celebrate it when it comes?"

     "I'd love that," I say, yawning as I finally closed my eyes. "Mine is on April 21..."

     "I know," I suddenly heard Hunter whisper, but before I could even ask how he was able to know that, I ended up falling asleep, not a bit worried about anyone finding us because I knew that whatever happens, Hunter would be there to protect me no matter what.


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