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You hadn't heard from your neighbor's in a few days but you didn't really think much of it. Assuming that they were on one of their "cases". Not that you cared it's not like you were worried or anything. Or at least that's what you tried to convince yourself. You wanted to be friendly with them. Sherlock was just making that difficult for you. After doing some research on the man, using your secret resources, you figured out that he was mean to most people so you shouldn't feel any different but it still hurt.
Suddenly you noticed the sound of a baby crying instantly you thought that Sherlock woke up Rosie again and that John would take care of her. When the sound continued for a while you decided to investigate. Going up to 221B you saw that the door was wide open. Strange, You thought, even on a busy case day they don't leave the door open. When you enter you get the feeling that something is wrong. The flat is a complete mess even compared to how it usually is. The books are everywhere, papers are ripped to shreds, and the furniture is not where it's supposed to be. The baby's cries came from Sherlock's room. As you walk through the kitchen you notice it's not any better then the living room with shattered glass on the floor. Sherlock's poor experiments were ruined beyond saving. All that research gone out the window. As you glanced out the window you saw that statement was partially literal.
Rosie screeched causing you to run to the bedroom breaking down the locked door. Gently picking up the poor child you rock her and calm her down the best you could.
"Where's your daddy Sweetie? Hmm?" You question the infant knowing full well she couldn't answer but you knew she needed to here a calm voice to feel at peace. You heard a groan from the other side of Sherlock's bed you automatically got on the defensive, taking Rosie to the other room and placing her in her play pin. Then you grabbed Sherlock's gun from the desk drawer, where you remember him placing it on your first meeting. After making sure that Rosie was safe you slowly you go back to the Sherlock's room.
Cocking the gun you say in a clear voice, "I'm armed and never miss I'd suggest you show yourself before my trigger finger gets itchy."
Silence was met with more groaning you cautiously make your way around the bed, not once relaxing your arms just in case the intruder tries to attack you. "Now you little piece of crap I said come out you didn't listen. That was very unwise." When you finally get to the other side of the bed you gasp. "John! Are you ok? What happened?" You rush to the man's side gently picking him up and laying his head in your lap.
He moans at the movement. "Sorry you know how important it is to make sure your head is elevated in a situation like this."
He begins to relax then abruptly sits up in a panic. "Where's Rosie? Did they get her?"
You shush him and have him lay back down. "She's fine I have her in her play pin. Let's get you on Sherlock's bed and then you can tell me what happened." John nods and you two struggle for a few moments but eventually get him on the bed.
Then he goes on to explain how these men broke into the flat a few hours before while you and Mrs.Hudson were out. They were demanding for Sherlock but after John told them that he hadn't been home for day's then they ransacked the whole place looking for his laptop. Upon not finding it they beat on John thinking he was hiding information. Thankfully they didn't touch Rosie. When Mrs.Hudson and you came home they left unnoticed.
"We have to call Lestrade!" You exclaim.
"Why?" John looked genuinely confused at this.
"Cause he's the police you idiot!"
"Oh yeah, sorry my head's just a little foggy." He placed his face in his hands.
"It's ok. You probably took the beating so those men wouldn't touch Rosie didn't you?" John just nods in response. "You relax while I go make the call. Remember don't fall asleep you could have a concussion."
He snapped at this. "I know that! I am a bloody doctor after all!"
After covering the bloody man with a thin blanket you left the room with the door cracked. You dialed Lestrade's number. You may have hacked into his personal information while you were at Scotland yard.... Oops.
He answered after a few rings, "Who's this? What do you want?"
"Greg it's (Y/N) there's been a break in at 221B Baker street John's hurt and Sherlock is missing."
Without missing a beat he said he was on his way and hung up.
Not even ten minutes later him and a team were at the flat. Paramedics checked on John, who they moved to his usual chair, and the baby. For some odd reason they gave you a shock blanket. Feeling it wasn't the time you didn't argue. Sitting on the couch you just watched everything going on. Donavan came and stood in front of you.
"So where's the Freak? I doubt he's really missing."
Without thinking you shot up and gave her your best right hook. You begin to shout at her. "Do you really think it's time to act like a twat? You know what, unless your first name is Google I suggest you stop acting like you know everything!" When a few officers tried to restrain you, you just stormed past them and sat in Sherlock's chair. Lestrade stared at you with pure surprise. "What? I'm in shock don't you see the shock blanket?"
John just tried to hide his laughter. Whispering something about wishing he recorded that and Sherlock will never believe him. Everyone else in the room couldn't seem to pick their mouths off the ground. So you just rolled your eyes and curled yourself into Sherlock's chair inhaling the calming smell of what you assumed was his cologne. Then you noticed that the chair wasn't as comfortable as it was when you sat with Rosie. Feeling around you pulled out Sherlock's computer.
"John I found it!"
"Why would Sherlock hide his laptop in his chair?"
"Because no one sits here. DUH!" You move to place it on his desk and sit down. Opening it you easily got pass the lock screen. "Strange." You mumble. Typing away you start to dig for clues. Not noticing that everyone gathers around you to look over your shoulder. A few minutes tick by and you find a hidden file labeled 'Miss Me' it was obvious that Sherlock didn't download it. "John any clue what this is?"
As you look up everyone seemed to be ghost pale.
John looked like he was on the verge of fainting as he whispered, "Impossible."

Love And Hate Are One And The Same No? A Sherlock x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now