Okay so I'm not ok....

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When Sherlock first entered his flat he instantly stabbed the note onto the mantle. Hannah headed towards the kitchen to start some coffee and the search for your note.
While Sherlock just looked over the room and searched for what was different. Chairs and couch are in order. Walls have no new scratch marks or bullet holes. The carpet wasn't that different just slight foot prints. No books out of place even on the desk. Then a paper caught his eye.
Now wait a minute, that research paper was in the middle of that stack, Sherlock thought.
Picking it up he looked over it and found that in the mix of the carefully written notes was a scratchy hand writing that suggested that it was written in a panicked hurry. So it had to be yours.
Sherlock read it out loud to no one in particular, "Check laptop, new tracer, hurry."
John, who was at Sherlock's side as if out of no where, gently took the paper from the taller man. "What could she mean by new tracer?"
Sherlock started pacing and said, "A better question is why would she say check laptop. Assuming it's hers that she wants checked she knows I've tried to get into it and failed."
Bringing the coffee Hannah placed a tray of it on the table, "That's because you don't know her that well. It's obvious what her password is depending on what her background and or the icon is." Sipping her coffee, "The only trouble is trying to find her obsession at the moment."
"When she went through her BTS stage trying to crack those passwords were nearly impossible." Isaac said from his random corner in the room.
Hannah laughed, "Only for you because you couldn't tell the 'pretty boy's' apart."
"It only made it worse that you could and didn't help me get into her laptop," Isaac groaned. "I really needed that one information too."
"Yeah, yeah stop complaining I saved your life by not telling you. Remember to the last person to touch (Y/N)'s laptop? They couldn't find them for weeks."
John just had to ask, "Why? What did she do?"
Isaac and Hannah just shuddered, "It's better left unsaid."
"Well thank you for the partially helpful information now we have to find (Y/N)'s laptop." Sherlock and left the room to start another hunt.
After your kiddnapper locked you in a small room with just a chair and a table, you started your escape plan.
Yes you trusted your friends to save you, but might as well try to help by leaving. Luckily for you they didn't think to check you for anything, and considering Hannah loved fixing your hair, you happened to have one or two bobby pins in your hair.
After waiting for what felt like forever you decided that all was quiet. Slowly picking the lock. Swearing under ypur breath, "Why couldn't the lock have been electronic based? I'd be out in seconds if that was the case." As if some higher power heard you the door clicked open and you hurried out of it. Only to run smack dab into someone's chest, so maybe it was a lower power that heard you, because the chest was your kidnapper's.
"Tsk tsk, birds are supposed to stay in there cages. And here I brought you someone that really wants to see you." Pushing you back into the small room, forcing you to slam your back into the table.
Gritting your teeth you tried to stay defiant, "Now what low life wants to see me?"
An evil chuckle sent a chill down your spin and made a sick feeling settle at the bottom of your stomach. "Me my dear lady," stepping into the room Moriarty took a little bow. "I wanted to see what toy the faithful Sebastian brought me to play with. But it seems he brought me a pretty bird instead. Pity you'll be easy to break."
"What are your plans for me?" You asked already regretting it.
"Oh you shouldn't worry about my plans. You should worry about his." Moriarty pointed to "Sebastian", "He has to punish you for trying to escape, then when he's done, I'll decide then, if he doesn't break you of course." Then he left closing the door behind him.
Wearily you turned your head to the goliath. Cracking his knuckles he stepped closer to you, making you press your back against the table.
Like lightening his fist shot out and hit the side of your face, snapping it to the side, nearly causing you to fall down.
Spitting out some blood it hurt but you weren't going to show your pain, so you glared at him, "Is that the worst you can do? I'm pretty sure my grandma could do better."
Grabbing your throat he picked you up so you had to struggle to keep your toes on the ground, "Just didn't want to demolish you with the first hit." Then he threw you into the wall.
After that saying you hit the floor like a sack of potatoes would be an understatement. Pain now radiated from your shoulders down your back, but you still kept the best straight face you could.
Picking you up again by your throat he continued to hit your face, until your vision was nothing more then colorful spots and swirls.
You wanted to beg for mercy, you'd give anything to stop the pain. You would even sell your soul if need be. But this was one devil that you knew was not worth selling anything to, even if it would stop the constant assault.
Finally he had enough and just let you fall to the floor. Kneeling down he made you look at him, "Now I was easy on you this time, so unless you want to see the ultimate torture a man can do to a woman, I'd suggest you be a good little bird. Do you understand?"
You tentively nodded feeling like if you moved your head to much it would fall off.
He smiled a grotesque smile, "Good now stay here while I go wait for your boyfriend Sherlock Holmes."
With that he stood up, went to the door and knocked twice. Exiting when it opened leaving you a fragile mess on the floor.

Love And Hate Are One And The Same No? A Sherlock x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now