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With Lestrade gone the five of you try to rush down the stairs, resulting in a dog pile on the landing. A chorus of verying degrees of pain rang out.
Sherlock and John walked out of their apartment to see the disaster.
Sherlock fixed his scarf as he said, "(Y/N) you're not coming."
Instantly you shot up from the pile. "What why not? And if you say it's to protect me I will smack you."
He seemed to want to test that threat but went with the obvious, "You need to watch our 'guests', if they parade around London there's no telling the trouble they could cause."
You cross your arms, "Cause less trouble then you?"
"You're still not coming." Sherlock repeated firmly.
"Fine!" You storm into the flat and slam the door. "He better not call me when he gets shot." Sitting on the couch with a huff.
After enough time the door was tentatively opened, an innocent face poked in, you recall his name is Jack. "Are you ok?"
"Just peachy why wouldn't I be? The oh so great detective has me benched while he possibly hunts down a werewolf. I have to babysit three hunters, and an angel, oh so much fun."
"I'm a half angel." Jack proclaimed with the most adorable smile.
"Wait how old are you?"
"Three years four months and five minutes."
All you could think was that you were quite literally going to be babysitting. It seriously was peeving you off.
"Sam, Dean, Castiel stop standing by the door pouting and get in here." If Sherlock thought you were going to really sit this one out he needs to buy a clue.
"Real men don't pout," Dean said in an attempt to reclaim some dignity.
"Yeah right if that's true then I'm hopelessly in love with a cactus. Now do you have a car?"
"Yeah duh do you think I'd leave my precious baby in America by herself?"
"Good give me the keys."
"In your dreams."
"Then I guess I'm leaving you here because you have no idea where the crime scene is. Much less how to get there if you did."
"And by some miracle you do?"
"I work for Scotland yard I can easily access any file that I want. Even if I couldn't my knowledge of hacking is more the adequate to by pass their lousy security system. Not to mention I've lived here long enough to familiarize myself with the streets decently."
Sam put his hand on his brother's shoulder, "Dean you should probably hand over the keys, she's right."
The battle inside Deans head could clearly be seen on his face with a groan he tossed his keys to you. "If you get one scratch on her you'll regret it."
"No worries Dean I'll treat your baby like a precious child. Cross my heart and hope to die." You pull out your phone and quickly look up the information you need. Pulling up a map you point out the location of the crime scene, "Ok it looks like the latest attack was here but as you can see the other dots indicate where the other attacks were, they were more clustered in this area here. I vote we look around there first."
Everyone nodded in agreement then went to the car, with you driving you felt like a woman on a mission to prove that Sherlock wrong. You could protect yourself, you didn't need to be put on house arrest it was insulting that he even suggested it. You were human not fragile glass.
Talk about cliché, you drove up to a dock type area, it had boat houses spread out through the area, peppered with warehouses.
"I would say we go ask around but considering I've never went werewolf hunting," You leave the end of that hanging in the air.
Dean threw an arm over your shoulders, "Well sweet cheeks we could split up and you go with me like we're Fred and Daphne."
You easily fought off whatever smolder Dean was directing towards you, shrugging off his arm you put on a sweet smile. "I think I rather go with Scooby and Shaggy over there." Referring to the two angels with confused looks on their faces.
"Ah so you're a Velma type."
"If you mean super smart yet could probably beat you in a fight then yeah totally a Velma type." You shot back with an eye roll, then you proceeded to leave him flabbergasted walking over to the angels taking Castiel by the arm. "Come on Shaggy let's go look for clues."

I am beyond sorry for basically dying, but life happens. I promise I'm not done with this story and I promise I acknowledge each and every vote or comment i even screenshot most of them thank you so much!!!!!

Love And Hate Are One And The Same No? A Sherlock x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now