What's your problem?

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Out of the blue John asked you to watch Rosie because all of the usual babysitters were busy. Sherlock was at the lab with Molly and Mrs.Hudson was on holiday. Of course Lestrade had an easy case he was working on. So you were the only option that John had, you accepted and then he was gone in a flash.
Walking up to the 221B flat carrying Rosie you hummed to make sure that she would stay calm. You contemplated what you could do to entertain the beautiful baby. Thinking of when you were young and about what your mom did. You remembered her voice as she read you stories with her smooth voice and you instantly knew that this would be perfect.
After looking through the array of books that was available in the flat you came to the conclusion that there was no books that would be understood by the baby or you for that matter. So you closed your eyes and picked a random book ending up with a textbook on chemistry. Sitting down in the warn black chair you crossed your legs propping the book open on your thigh and you adjusted Rosie so she would be comfortable. You started reading to her and before long she was asleep. You continued to read though because it was something to do.
After an hour or was it two? Sherlock slammed through the front door causing you to jump. Thank goodness the baby didn't wake up she barely even stirred. He was glaring at you and you honestly had no idea why. The in a harsh tone he spoke, "What are you doing in here, this is obviously not your flat, and you're in my chair no less. Reading my chemistry book and holding Rosie like she's your daughter. Now let me tell you that even if you tried to be her Mother you'd never live up to her legacy so don't try."
"I beg your pardon?"
"It's obvious you like John. You observed him first when you first came to the flat and no one just babysits for someone they just met. So you are obviously trying to get brownie points. Which is repulsive so I suggest you stop."
Without a word you stand up and gently lay Rosie down in a playpin. Then you stand up straight in Sherlock's face then you precede to give him a good slap. In a semi-calm voice you say, "Since you obviously can't observe people as well as you think I will explain. YOU ARE WRONG."
He scoffed, "Impossible I'm never wrong."
"It's entirely possible because you are human after all now I demand an apology."
"You are being childish Sherlock but even children have manners."
The door opened and there stood a very confused John. Without breaking the little glaring contest Sherlock spoke. "Hello John, (Y/N) was just leaving."
"Yes I was. I'm not done with this topic though Mr.Holmes."
"It would be my pleasure if you never came back."
As you were walking down the stairs you heard John questioning Sherlock.

Love And Hate Are One And The Same No? A Sherlock x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now