Whats this?

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You had to stop passing out, because it kept leading to strange things. Granted you only fell asleep after your little "date" with Sherlock but with how hard you slept you woke up sore in his bed.
Sore from your healing injuries of course. Frankly you wished you had listen to John and just went straight to bed, but as you stared at the periodic table you couldn't help but reminisce.
Your ringing phone called you back to reality playing Mic Drop by BTS. Groaning you rolled over and read the caller ID.
Pasta King what could Feliciano want?
Answering quickly you gave a quick greeting. "Hey Feli What's up?"

Instead of the cheerful Italian voice you were expecting though you got the evil twin brother's nagging one. "How could you get hurt idiota? Didn't that stupid English B*stard set you up in a place where you would be safe? Or did you go sticking your nose in someones business again?"
"Lovi~ that's no way to talk to a healing bella." Feliciano said "She needs her rest."
"Shut up Feliciano and don't call me that."
You couldn't help but smile at how the brothers interacted they looked so similar but acted like complete opposites.
"Lovino if you were worried you should have called sooner or even came to visit me."
"Oh bella we tried to call but a man would answer and say you were asleep."
Livino could be heard in the back ground grumbling about some idiota Detective or something about Antonio keeping him busy with stupid things.
"So (Y/n) bella who was that man? Is he a new boyfriend? You must be close if he answered your phone."
Lovino began shouting, "Boyfriend? She better not have a boyfriend thats not why she went to England! Besides we all know that all of the Englishmen are terrible lovers!"
"Be quiet Lovi she can date who she wants I'm sure the man is very sweet and caring. (Y/n) would choose nothing less." Feliciano chided.
You shouldnt have started laughing but those to made it impossible. So inbetween fits of laughter you explained the situation. "Sherlocks my neighbor NOT my boyfriend."
Having to emphasize the not should have been pointless but with these two honestly it had to be done. Feliciano was a strong believer in finding love and Lovino would fight almost anyone who he thought looked at you the wrong way.
"I promise you two that finding a boyfriend is the last thing on my mind. Apparently, in England, there is such thing as passing on the family business when it comes to crime."
The boys took the obvious bait for the change of subject.
"What do you mean bella? There's no real crime rings in England that need passing on well since," Feliciano started and Lovino finishd, "Since that b*stard Moriarty offed himself and some other English b*stard cleaned up all that mess. Unless? What did you find out bella?"
"Well the reason I got hurt was because Moriarty's dear brother took it upon himself to take over what was left of the web and hes out for revenge. Specifically revenge on my neighbors Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Waston."
"So he's the reason you got hurt I should come down there and raise hell for the b*stard." Lovino decided to go off on another rant here but it was mostly in Italian, one of the few languages that still confused you.
After Feliciano managed to calm Lovino down you continued talking. "The reason I got hurt was because I messed up Moriarty's first attempt at offing Sherlock so he decided I was im the way and needed to be gone and used as bait. Which turned into a horrible idea on his part because I had part of my A team visiting and then I had the brother of the British government and his side kick the doctor."
A deep voice interrupted then, "Don't let John hear you call him my side kick he hates the idea."
"Is that the English b*stard I have half a mind to track your phone just to strangle him."
"Ve~ Its the same man that answered the phone all those times are you sure he isn't your boyfriend?"
"Sorry Sherlock a couple more of my agent friends called me the one screaming angrily doesn't like the idea of me getting hurt. I've already told him it wasn't your fault but mine because I got nosey in my neighbors affairs. Also I did explain that your not my boyfriend. As you can see they're terrible at listening."
Sherlock nodded in understanding, "I just came to check to see if you were awake I can't exactly do anything with you unconscious in my room."
Your phone exploded with a mixture of excited and venomous yelling, "Sorry boys got to go love you and give my love to your brother Sebastian. Bye!" You quickly hung up the phone. "Great now everyone's gonna blow up my phone with questions. Like why I was in your room unconscious and why would you come to wake me up."
"Sorry but I do need to change I didn't want you to wakr up to that."
Your mind flashed of what you assumed he would like changing and a blush spread across your cheeks. "No its fine I should probably go to my flat no telling how must dusting i have to do I've been out for over a week. I need to finish some paperwork from Scotland yard, not to mention theres the crazy wannabe mass murder Moriarty." You babbled as you got up and straightened Sherlocks bed.
"Yes Moriarty probably won't stop until he gets what he wants so until then you will stay here with me and John. I've already discussed with Lestrade he says it's fine if you work from home until Moriarty is caught."
"I don't remember asking for any protection, what if I don't want to stay here until he's been captured that could literally take months."
"Yes well it is partially my fault you are in danger so I will take responsibility now hurry up and gather a few things you can sleep in this room."
"Ok well there's an obvious problem to that where will you sleep?"
"I don't sleep often so it shouldn't pose as a problem now should it," He paused then nodded to himself, "Nope, no problem at all so that's that. Now go I have a rather bloody case I have to get ready for." After gently pushing you out the door he left you standing flabbergasted.
Honestly you didn't know if you should be excited or nervous about sharing the flat with Sherlock. So you pondered it as you headed down stairs to get some stuff. On one hand it could improve your relationship with your neighbors.
On the other you know that Sherlock isn't the easiest to live with. John should be considered a saint for what he puts up with.
Well as long as there's coffee you should be fine.
After coming to terms with this new arrangement you thought about how Sherlock mentioned "a rather bloody case." Could that have to do with the disfigured bodies appearing in dark alleys, you remember reading about that in some snobbish British newspaper.
They suspected a wild dov was attacking people due to the fact that there was wolf teeth marks on the ramains. What baffled the police was the fact that there appeared to be animal hairs at the crime scene too but the DNA came back human. So of course the police were baffled.
After you gathered what you needed you headed back upstairs to settle into your temporary home. Then you placed the things in a drawer that Sherlock found time to empty out for you.
As you did that he absentmindly filled you in on the facts you didn't already know. "There's been a total 10 of confirmed incidents, all just as brutal as the last so the thing isn't organized in anyway. The fact that it doesn't try to hide the bodies adds to it. It means that it has no guilt for what it does while it commits its crimes but the fact that someone covers some of the victims eyes does suggest someone does feel it after the fact. All of the crimes happen at night, mostly around the time of a full moon. I suspect that someone is killing people with a savage dog to make it look like an animal attack and that the victims are somehow connected."
A knock sounded from the front door the mad genius didn't move to answer it infact he just went to sit in his chair. Leaving you to do it. There stood two mountains of men, at least six feet each, both had rugged good looks. One had short hair while the taller one had long hair, both a sandy brown. The suits they wore did nothing to hide their physical strength. These guys were obviously not what they seemed.

And that my friends is a cliffhanger. Sorry I've been majorly busy with work.

Love And Hate Are One And The Same No? A Sherlock x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now