Are you ok?

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After leaving Scotland yard Sherlock didn't speak and he looked furious. Which really confused you because you thought things were going so great. What could have brought on this sudden mood change? You honestly had no clue you were nice. You even joked with the lanky man resulting in a smile and laughter. So in search for an answer you softly inquired,  "Sherlock what's wrong?" This didn't get any respond from him. May be if I poke him he will respond, You pondered and doing just that you poked his face. But nothing happened. Figuring maybe he'll do something when he's ready you lead him to a near by café and had him sit at an empty table. When a waiter stopped by your table you ordered a cup of cinnamon tea for yourself and a cup of chamomile for Sherlock. As you waited for the tea you observed  Sherlock noticing how his eye's changed color in the light.
While you did that Sherlock had entered his mind palace and that's why he was furious. Because your little display at Lestrade's office was very impressive he had to admit but it reminded him of Mary. Now in an attempt to not get upset he hid his true feelings behind this mask. He snapped out of his mind palace when you literally snapped in his face.
"If you don't drink your tea it's going to get cold Sherlock."
"Who cares about some blasted tea that you ordered for me it's not like I asked you to."
You were shocked at his unprovoked outburst and like a normal person you reacted defensively. "Well it's not like I asked you to suddenly get mad like a child."
"If I'm such a child then why didn't you ask me not to come with you when John insisted it."
"Because John asked me to bring you idiot."
In his anger Sherlock pointed his index finger right in your face."So you are trying to get close to John. Like I said before you could never replace Mary."
You swatted his hand away. "No that was not what I'm trying to do. I had a man asking me to basically babysit his best friend so he could sleep and I said yes. Why do you think I want to get with John so bad?"
"Because it's the only logical explanation!" Sherlock shouted and slammed his hands on the table spilling the tea.
"Sherlock you are so hopeless." You almost pitied him. You stood to leave placing about twenty pounds on the table. "And here I thought we were becoming friends."
"I don't have friends." Was his quick response.
With a sigh you said. "Don't go back to the flat until to night please." And with that you left with your mind all a mess, and on the verge of tears that you couldn't explain.
While Sherlock just laid his head on the table regretting his words and actions.

So I won't do these little notes often but I honestly wanted to say sorry for this being so short. I also wanted to ask my readers their opinion on this story because I want to know how I can improve as writer.

Love And Hate Are One And The Same No? A Sherlock x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now