Slumber and Murder

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You decided to keep the little party simple since it would only be a hand full of people. Hannah helped due to the fact you kept getting distracted with telling her about how you saved Sherlock.
"I got Mycroft to take us for a meal after the fact, even embarrassed him with a bet I made with Sherlock." You gushed.
Looking a little sad Hannah adjusted the extra blankets you brought to your little living room. "You're really loving it here aren't you, (Y/N)?"
"Yes of course I am, why wouldn't I? I mean I got to save a man's life."
With a sigh she nodded her head, "Yeah you did and that's great and all, but if you love it here it means you'll never come home."
Going to her side you wrap your arms around her pulling her close. "I'll come home eventually but for right now you know I can't if I do you know what will happen. You and Isaac can protect yourselves but what about my family?"
She hugged you with a sad nod as an answer. Silence settled around you as you embraced your closest friend, the girl that was practically your sister, it felt like the good bye you didn't get to say when you left. Sure you moved on a whim but you knew if you didn't something bad was gonna happen. A knock sounded on your door so you reluctantly released her from your arms and went to open it.
Sighing you put on a smile and pulled on the door. Seeing how it was John holding a giggling Rosie and Sherlock right behind him, looking bored already. You stepped a side letting them in, "I'm so happy that the case was a simple one Sherlock."
John went to show off Rosie to Hannah, which left you to talk with Sherlock as he stepped in the door letting you close it, "Yes I suppose it wasn't a bad thing, maybe I can observe some human interactions in this setting. I never got to when I was younger."
That information didn't really surprise you but it still made you feel sad. "Well I'm going to make this experiment worth your time, because I have thrown some of the best slumber parties ever. The key to a good one is to have something for everyone."
Now this piped Sherlock's interest, "Now how can you do that? It's a very complex thing to know human nature by itself but to know everyone's likes and dislikes can't be any easier."
"First thing is make the person comfortable," laughing you help Sherlock take off his coat and hung it next to the door. "Second thing is give them something to entertain themselves with." You point to the three other people in the rookm. "Like how Hannah is playing with Rosie, that distractes both Rosie and John."
Sherlock seemed to absorb this information, then with a challenging smile he asked, "Well how would you entertain me."
"Well it won't be easy you get bored so easily, but after some thought," You proceed to take his hand and lead him to your couch and turn on the T.V, "I decided you needed something to stimulated your brain." You opened up Netflix on the screen and started to search for what you were looking for.
"How will the telly stimulate my brain, whenever I watch it with John I end up deducing who the father is and so on."
Finally locating what you wanted you started it. "Yes that's because you watch day time T.v. I think that doesn't have nearly enough murder for you."
"And this will?"
Putting down the remote you sit back and watch the opening credits to Dexter. "Most definitely my dear Sherlock."
He looked at you skeptically but he still sat back crossing his arms over his chest.
Another knock sounded at the door so you went to answer it. Opening the door Isaac stood there relieved. "Do you know how hard it was for me to find this place?"
Innocently you teased, "Awww did my teddy bear get lost?"
"No." He tried to deny.
Sherlock was helpful in saying without looking up from the T.V, "He thought he could walk here and got lost several times by the state of his shoes."
"Aww that's cute."
Isasc seemingly glared at that word, "(Y/N) I'm not cute."
"Whatever, I have video games set up in the corner. Up to challenge the queen of video games yet?"
Pulling out a new mystery game of who killed who, you showed it to the little crowd of Hannah, John and the baby. "The game is similar to clue so the rules are the same. The rich dude got killed and its our job to solve the murder. Whoever can solve the mystery first between the two of us wins." Getting comfortable you set the game to versus mode and set the time limit for 30 minutes.
After the opening intro your avatars went their separate ways looming for clues. Hannah and John tried to help each of you by pointing out little things. Sherlock glanced from his T.V screen to yours and mumbled something about, "The maid did it you dimwits."
Isaac heard this, "There's no way you can tell that by just one look."
Taking this opportunity you keyed in the maid as the culprit. To no one else's surprise Sherlock was right. "Isaac when it comes to murder always believe in what Sherlock says."
Seeing what you did Isaac started making a fuss "Hey that's cheating! Your skinny little boyfriend distracted me!"
"Your incompetence is no reason to yell sir. All of us have fine hearing. And obviously (Y/N) just knows it's best to listen to someone of intellect when it comes to some matters such as that trival video game."
Seeing that an argument was likely to break out you jumped up and yelled "I forgot to check the Pizza!" Which wasn't a complete lie you had put one in the oven but it still needed at least 10 minutes left. This gave Isaac a reason to roll his eyes and put in a different game. Sherlock just rolled his eyes out of spite, mumbling about how can someone be so careless.
The pizza of course was fine, everyone got the right amount of slices. You guys ended up playing games like twister and truth or dare. John's sweaters got put in danger more then once during the entire game. Everyone participated, well everyone except Sherlock he was glued to the T.V. seeing this made you smile cuz you found something that he liked. It was still sad that he didn't join in on the other fun though.
As it got late everyone changed into pajamas and started chatting. Slowly one by one everyone fell asleep in various places. You fell asleep close to the T.V and dreamed about the laughter of your friends.

Love And Hate Are One And The Same No? A Sherlock x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now