Count Down

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Days pass by slow when you're bored out of your mind. It also gets a tad dangerous when you have a equally bored mad genius for company.
Finally you just had to put your foot down. "No Sherlock you can't test to see if you can shoot that bird from the other side of the room through the open window using only a rubber band and parts of a broken pen."
"But (Y/N)," he whined upside down in his chair, "It's for science and plus John would let me do it."
"You know good and well that we're in a hospital so its against the law to just shot things with projectile objects. Also I'm not John so I won't let you do whatever you want."
"Well what do you suggest we do?"
"There's a stack of case files over in the corner that Mycroft brought that would be be perfect for you to go through. And if you'd be so kind as to give me my computer I'd probably be able to get some work done too."
"Nope to boring they're to easy to solve and the doctor said no work for you." He fixed himself into a proper sitting position with his legs crossed.
Pursing your lips you thought of all the things you could do while bed ridden. None to many came to mind. "Maybe a game," you thought.
"What kind of game?"
"I don't know just something easy like cards or 21 questions. Maybe even hang man."
Sherlock just waved off your suggestions, "All seem childish."
"We could just talk then."
He seemed slightly interested in that, "What would you suggest we talk about?"
"Simple you ask a question I answer, I ask a question you answer. Easy right?"
Proping his chin on his hand, "That could work John always says things like I need to talk to people more shall I start?"
"If it makes it easier yes."
"Why did you hack the Pentagon?"
"A loaded question right off the bat, dang Sherlock you aren't pulling your punches." Gathering the proper words you turned to the window. "Well in high school I was the 'weird' girl just because I was smarter then most and it was hard for me to interact with everyone else. Yes I had Hannah and Isaac but they didn't live close by, so I didn't really have anyone to hang out with. Like Moriarty said a few of my classmates dared me to do it, knowing that I could easily do it when it came to the schools systems, they wanted to see me try something harder. I ended up doing it in under five minutes. They were impressed for a few days everyone wanted to talk to me, but when the CIA and FBI showed up they quickly threw me under the bus. Leading to a whole another story."
As you spoke Sherlock couldn't help but notice the sadness in your voice while you spoke. As well as the way your eyes glassed over.
Clearing his throat you turned back to look at him a smile spread across your face. "I made some incredible friends after that though so the story has a happy ending."
"I'm surprised you didn't make friends you seem like the type that would have no trouble doing so."
"Yes well people don't like being proved to be less intelligent then others." You scratch the back of your neck embarrassed. "You should know that, now that leads to my question how did you and John become firends? Yes I've read his blog and a few of Mycroft's reports but they are only half of the story."
"We were only possible flatmates at first because of a common acquaintance of ours." He looked of into the nonexistent distant recalling the fond memories. "Then we became colleagues because I needed a different perspective on a case. Somehow down the line he accepted me as a friend. Truly I didn't even know I was his best friend until he asked me to be the best man for his wedding."
"What a vague and beautiful story." You couldn't help but clap like he had just quoted a full Shakespearean play.
"My turn," He sounded like a child as he innocently asked "What kind of hobbies do you have?"
"Oh the normal kind like drawing, painting and attempting to learn an instrument. Though I'm not to good at them."
"What kind of instrument?"
"Ah ah no more then one question at a time silly, but I'll give you 5 bucks if you can guess it later. My turn, why did you learn violin?"
"Challenge accepted it should prove quite easy because you're so simple. And I don't remember, but apparently my sister Euros taught me."
"Hey!" A knock on your door brought a nurse that wouldn't let you finish.
She was one of the younger nurses in charge of checking on you, which you didn't mind. It is her job after all, but honestly she directed all of her questions to Sherlock like you weren't even there.
"How's our patient today?" Her annoyingly squeaky voice rang out as she checked your vitals.
Sherlock almost always answered in one word sentences, "Bored."
"Oh what a shame I'm sure she'll feel differently after she leaves in a couple of days. Then maybe you'll get to go and do something fun."
He hummed to acknowledge her words but really just focused on cleaning his nails.
"I bet you'd enjoy going to a quaint little café I know, what do you say? I know a good place."
Could she beg for a date any harder? You thought.
Completely abandoning her job she sits at the foot of your bed to talk with Sherlock. "Oh just down the street from here actually."
You had to fight the temptation to kick her.
"The lucky cat café, isn't the name so cute? I think it also serves Asian food so it's perfect for dates."
"Is that so?" He finally glanced up from his nails a slight sparkle in his eyes.
A feeling of your heart dropping into your stomach made you nearly throw up.
"Oh yes! Are you interested in going?" She was very nearly visibly bouncing at thought of a date with Sherlock.
"Yes," standing up Sherlock petted your hair with a warm smile directed at you as if the nurse disappeared. "(Y/N) as you americans say, do you want to 'check out' that place with me? It would do you good to go out after being stuck in one place so long."
The nurse glared at you but you didn't care your heart flew out of your chest as you beamed with joy. "Of course Sherlock I'd love too!" You wanting to dance with joy was an understatement, as the nurse stomped out of the room. Who knew that Sherlock could be considerate?
"Good, I'm going to talk to the doctor to see how many days you have left. You get some more rest."
After you gave a nod he left and had to stand against the wall outside of your room. A strong blush erupted acrossed his face, the smile you gave him was not something he was used to. Neither was the feeling in his chest. Even after so much thought in his mind palace he could draw no conclusions about his feelings. Really he didn't even know why he asked you out. With the annoying nurse making her unwanted advances towards him, he noticed how it made you uncomfortable. His mind screamed that it shouldn't matter but he still got up to comfort you, shocking himself beyond belief. Though it did feel right if that made any sense.
He needed answers so he pulled out his phone to call the one person who could help, after a few rings a worried voice said, "Hello?"
"I need your help."

Ooooooh who could have Sherlock have called? Leave a comment with your guess and who knows maybe you'll be right. Also don't forget to tell me what you think please. (^-^ )

Love And Hate Are One And The Same No? A Sherlock x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now