Doctor Who?

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John seemed confused, "The Doctor sent you? I'm the only Doctor here and I did not send for you."
At the mention of The Doctor Sherlock's exspression seemed less bored. "Why would he send you?"
Sam shook his head, "She."
"What do you mean she?"
Dean clears his throat, "What Sam means is the last regeneration he came back as a she."
"I guess I've heard stranger things coming from the timelord." He then muttered something about bowties being cool.
You couldn't seem to focus on who to pose your next question to so you just kept looking between the three men to your left and Sherlock to your right. "Who is this Doctor your talking about and what does she have to do with Sherlock's newest case?"
Castiel seemed so sure when he said, "The Doctor is an alien timelord from a planet that got destroyed a long time ago. She sent us because Sherlock will need our help with the werewolf."
You nod thoughtfully, "Ok let's say that I believe this whole thing of you being an angel, them being hunters, what do they hunt by the way? Also there's some alien that sent you to help. I don't think I believe that a werewolf is roaming around London. Someone would've said something and reported it."
"Even if someone did no one would believe them (Y/N), but it would explain the animal fur." Sherlock nods. "I'll take your case boys because you obviously need my help."
They all seemed confused, Sam shook his head, "You don't seem to get it we came to help you not for you to help us. This case is one you won't be able to handle without some help."
"Unless you know someone with a decent shot and some silver bullets you're as much as dog food without us," Dean added.
Your laugh shocked the trio and what you said next left them to pick up their jaws off the floor. "Guess I need to invest in some silver bullets then."
"Indeed, but why not just let the 'professionals' help." The way that Sherlock rolled the word professionals around showed his level of annoyance. "I will warn you that the last time the Doctor sent someone to help me they ended up banned from England."
To say John was lost in all of this conversation would imply that the sky wasn't actually blue. His face screamed that he had a million questions that he knew probably weren't going to be answered. Yet he still tried opening his mouth to ask.
Lestrade decided then was the perfect time to stroll in, dragging a young man by his collar.
Sam and Dean jumped up from their respective seats looking ready to fight.
Sherlock simply just straightened his shirt as he defused the situation. "Lestrade I'd let the boy go he appears to be with these gentlemen."
Obviously Lestrade did just that, "I found him lurking on your door step, thought he might be a nervous client but then he started acting shifty even talked with the worst accent I've ever heard. So I was planning on taking him for questioning after this."
"No need for that sir the kid's with us. Jack just has never been to England so he's just acting weird. " Sam stepped up to tug Jake away.
"And who might you lot be?"
To save the men the embarrassment of lying to the actual Scotland yard you stepped inbetween the group of men. "They're my family from the states sir. They just happened to be in town for some business so they thought it'd be a good idea to stop by and say hi." Thankfully they were all just nodded along to your story. "Not realizing they'd actually get to meet the famous detective Sherlock Holmes, his partner John Waston. Now even Scotland yard's dropping by for a visit." You start pushing the four of them towards the door, a chorus of protests fell on deaf ears. "Super sorry boss but they are beyond tired from the excitement I'll go set them up in my flat for a nap." Really you just dragged them slightly up the stairs so you could still listen.
Lestrade just let you leave, remembering why he came. "Sherlock you need to come look at this new crime scene this time someone left an actual bloody note."
"It must be Christmas then because that's a wonderful present."
John shook his head and Sherlock looked a bit sad, "Not good."
"Just a tad not good."
"You go ahead Lestrade we'll catch up we need to make sure things are good here before we can leave."
Lestrade quickly wrote down an address handing it to John, whom gave a nod. "Alrighty then hurry before Anderson gets his hands all over everything."
"Will do Gary."

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