Time to be the hero?

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... John opening the door.
"For god sakes John you nearly scared us." You say as you relax.
"Sorry was I interrupting something?"
Both you and Sherlock say, "No," at the same time. When you look at each other in mild shock you couldn't help but burst out laughing.
With his usual confused expression John just said, "Right then it's probably time to leave now."
Sherlock fixes his clothes turning his coat collar up then agrees. "Yes quite right if we don't that idiot might come back." He then proceeds to leave.
Nodding you follow them out but before you do you grab a semi-long pipe so you'd have a decent weapon.
"John how'd you find us so quickly?" You ask.
"It really wasn't that hard I just put a tracker on you figuring you'd be the quickest to find trouble."
Even Sherlock was surprised and shocked at this. "Brilliant John."
Patting down your body you start to search for the tracer. "Yeah, yeah that was pretty smart but dude where is it those things can be traced by anyone."
John went to help you retreive it, "Oh it's right," then John was abruptly cut off by the same man that hit you.
The man was well dressed for a criminal, with a nice suit, slicked back hair and not to mention his shoes actually had a slight glow to them, most likely due to being recently polished.
"How did you escape? You were completely tied up Holmes, as for the bimbo she was tied in such a way she couldn't have broke her bonds." He started to circle your little group.
"Oi mate that is no way to refer to a lady. " John came to your defence.
Raising your weapon, "Yeah what he said."
"Last I checked (Y/N) is no lady." The man chuckled.
"How would you know Mr. Wannabe Villian?" Bringing the pipe to the most optimal swinging stance.
"Even lowly internet criminals know about you (Y/N). You once hacked the Pentagon on a dare in high school. You thought if you did it you'd make friends but that didn't work now did it?" He being the basic villain that he is answered his own question. "No it didn't it just made the government interested in you and in turn made the organized crime world take an interest as well."
"Enough of this meaningless chatter." Sherlock intervened. "Who are you?"
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude. My name is Colonel James Moriarty younger brother of Jim Moriarty."
"Euros said you were a station master though." John says as his body goes rigid as if remembering a bad memory.
"Ah yes well I was until Jim died, someone had to take over the "family business." Being the only family he had left it obviously had to be me."
"How did you manage to keep part of the web alive?" Sherlock asks.
"By literally going underground as you can see." James raised his hands as if to present the tunnel to your little group. "Now before we get to chummy with each other I think I should do what my brother couldn't." He started coming towards you as he pulled out a gun. "To make up for my manners earlier you Miss.(Y/N) will be first. Now don't cry dear I promise it will be over in a flash."
As if an unspoken cry came between you and the two men sadly accepting this was your fate you dropped the pipe. Letting James get closer putting the barrel of the gun against your head. Then suddenly Mycrot lunged at James. Knocking the gun out of his hands sending it flying and landing at your feet. Grabbing it you point it at the fighting bundle on the ground. "Stop both of you I would hate to shoot the wrong person."
The bundle then stopped and separated. "Can you even shoot straight Miss.(Y/N)?" James just laughed at you causing you to slowly get more angry with each word he muttered.
With a scowl on your face you calming reply. "Actually I can my dear friend Alfred Jones taught me how to shoot a flying hawk right between the eyes. Now unless you want to see that first hand I suggest you get up and walk away."
With his hands raised James stood up and bowed to you. "As you wish my lady." Then he slowly vanishing into the shadows.
Mycroft rose as well and joined you at your side. "Why do I seem to recognize that name?"
Not even turning to look at him as you answered. "I don't see why you would he has to do with the American government. Actually you could say he is the American government much like you are." Finally sure James wouldn't come back you lowered the gun and turn to the group with a smile. "Now I don't know about you guys but I'm hungry. Mycroft you mind treating me to dinner?"
He looked like he wanted to say no but he reluctantly said, "It's the least I could do you did just save not only my brother's life but my own as well." Glancing at his brother he added, "Sherlock do close your mouth even I can be hospitable to a lady."
John laughed, "That lady just threatened a new criminal master mind not to mention she socked Donovan earlier knocking her straight on her-"
"(Y/N) hit Donovan? Why would she do that?" Sherlock's question interrupted John causing said man to just roll his eyes and start walking towards the exit. Sherlock stooped down getting very close to your face causing a light blush to brush your cheeks. "Umm I don't know at the time I was in shock and she said something very rude so I just hit her." Desperate to get out from the watchful all knowing look of Sherlock's gorgeous eyes you tried the modesty route. "Really what does it matter it wasn't that great of a punch any ways. It's not like I knocked out a tooth or any thing." With that comment you let out a small chuckle. Then you moved to follow after John. "Come on maybe Mycroft will buy you food too."
"Curiouser and curiouser." Sherlock whispered under his breath only Mycroft heard him but didn't acknowledge that fact.
He just said, "Come brother dear let's see if it's true that American women can eat a frightening amount of food."
Nodding Sherlock said, "Yes this will be a good experiment." With that the group left the dark sewers under Big Ben.

Love And Hate Are One And The Same No? A Sherlock x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now