Of course not

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After getting the proper clothes on with some rain boots and hiding a weapon knife so it wouldn't be visible. Mycroft, John and you left the flat in search of the tall lanky Holmes.
"I can't believe Sherlock got himself in this situation." John complained.
You couldn't help but laugh. "I can, I've only known the man a little while and I've already figured out he's a total idiot when it comes to situations like this."
"He has always enjoyed a good proper adventure." Mycroft mused.
"Is that sentiment Mycroft?" John teased.
Mycroft just shrugged that off and stuck his nose in the air. "Don't be ridiculous."
Then something apparently dawned on John. "Don't you hate leg work?"
"Yes I do but my brother has gotten himself in trouble, again."
During this conversation the three of you made it to the base of Big Ben in true horror movie fashion you decide to split up.
"Ok so if anyone finds anything call the others." You say as you pass each one a slip of paper with your number.
John tried to give you his number but you refused. "Don't you need my number as well?"
"No I already have it."
"You've got to tell me how you do that."
You place your index finger against your lips and gave a little wink with a smirk. "A magician never reveals her secrets John." Then you turned on heel and walked away to start your search.
It wasn't to hard to find a manhole across the street from the famous landmark. Just a bit hard to open it though. After straining and groaning you managed to get it off. Ignoring the stares you were getting you lowered yourself down the hole. Turning on the light on your phone you look around not see much but a dark abyss. You randomly pick a side and start walking down the tunnel, painstakingly trying not to make any noise. Random little noises echoed through the tunnel despite your efforts though.
"If I was Sherlock Holmes where would I look." You whispered to no in particular. Then an idea popped into your head and you switched off your light. After your eyes adjusted you broke out into a smile. On the walls of the tunnel were arrows pointing in the opposite direction you were heading. Of course you were heading in the wrong direction. It was like even though you were no where near Sherlock he just had to find a way to annoy you. Not to long after you passed your starting point you came upon a door. Tentively opening the door you revel a mostly empty machine room with a Sherlock Holmes tied to a chair. You burst out laughing, "This is beyond clichè Sherlock."
He just glares at you, "Untie me before they come back."
"Let me get a picture first." Pulling out your phone you do just that. Suddenly you feel a sharp pain in the back of the head and fall forward. You don't completely black out but your vision gets extremely hazy and you feel your hands get tied up to the chair that Sherlock is tied to. There was a slamming noise and you assume that the criminal has left you, shaking your head in an attempt to clear it your vision brightens.
In a hussed whisper Sherlock speaks, "(Y/N) are you ok? They didn't hit you hard enough to knock you out entirely so you must still be conscious. Come on (Y/N) respond to me with something even one of your spontaneous laughs would be fine right now. Please anything will do." Near the end of his little plead you almost could hear the concern in his voice.
Groaning, "Whoever that was hits like a girl. I mean my Grandma hits harder then that."
You looked up at Sherlock as he was trying to look down at you. His mouth was almost breaking into a smile. "Yes quite true," Then his face went back to his signature frown," but he did get his "job" done we're both tied up and probably have no chance at rescue. Seeing as you came alone."
"Hey! I didn't come alone unlike you I actually told someone what was goimg on when I found your laptop."
"You found it? I could have sworn that John or Mycroft would have."
"Well again your wrong, because I found it. If you wanted one of them to you shouldn't have hid it in your chair. Much less have had it password protected because god knows neither one of them can hack despite their combined intelligence."
"Did you just imply that Mycroft is inferior at something."
"I didn't just imply it I've said it to his face that he's slow." Scoffing you add, "Can't even figure out how I got his personal phone number."
"Well even doing that is simple enough if you know the correct methods."
"I know right! But enough about how your brother is an idiot underneath that genius exterior we need to escape."
"Don't you thing I've thought of every possible solution?"
"Yes but they would probably only involve you breaking yourself out. Am I wrong?"
With an impregnable pause Sherlock grumbled. "No."
"I knew it, now I'm gonna try and get my boot close to either your hands or mine."
"Because I have a pocket knife clipped to the inside duh." You stated like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Try and keep up Sherlock." When he didn't respond you began the yoga like contortions managing to get the butt end of the knife on Sherlock's finger tips he quickly grabbed it. Letting you relax in a more natural position.
"You used to be a gymnast?" Sherlock asks randomly as he starts seeing away at the ropes.
Sighing you look down in sadness. "No sadly not. I wish I had been though that would have been so much fun."
"Yes it's a shame."
Could that have been a compliment from Sherlock? You wondered.
His ropes finally snapped and in a flurry he started on yours. You felt a need to feel the silence. "You know if you wouldn't of got so mad at me I might have filled in for John for you."
Not even looking up from what he was doing Sherlock asked. "And why would you have done that?"
"Because I'm hoping we can be friends."
His hands slip at this, he quickly gains his composure. "Again with this friends nonsense like I said before I don't have friends. Sentiment is something that slows you down."
"Not necessarily true, without sentiment you would be stuck here all by yourself with no way of escape and John would most likely be dead."
"He would be fine without me."
Your ropes fall off your wrists with this new found freedom you look into Sherlock's eyes. "But you wouldn't be it's beyond obvious how important he is to you. He's the one person that fully accepts you for who you are, outside your family circle. You've tried to open up to others but they never understood you so you closed yourself up. Until John came along and made you act like your true self."
"You talk as if you know from first hand experience of my life."
"Your not the only person to be considered so different you're hated by those around you Sherlock. Thing is you're not hated by everyone you just don't fully notice the one's that care. For a man that can deduce what a person does for a living to who they're sleeping with. You can't seem to know what's in their heart."
"I couldn't deduce much about you (Y/N)."
This made you smile slightly. "Now that I can't explain because that's all on you."
Sherlock was going to add on to the conversation but was soon interrupted by loud noises coming from out side the door. Standing up you both take a fighting stance. "Get behind me (Y/N) I'm more capable of holding off an assailant."
"That was almost sweet Sherlock but not a chance in heaven am I playing a damsel in distress." The world seemed to love interrupting Sherlock today because before he could argue the door slammed open revealing....

Love And Hate Are One And The Same No? A Sherlock x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now