Not this again!

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Sighing you turned in your sleep and buried your face in the warmth. Slowly waking up confused considering there should be nothing that warm close to you. Pulling back from it you noticed that it was dark in your living room, so that meant it was the middle of the night. Also it meant Sherlock finally went to sleep. When you turned your attention to the warmth in front of you, it was unmistakably human. With the little light there was you could see porcelain white skin and almost pitch black curls. Holding back a gasp you fully notice that you were no longer on the floor but you had been moved to the couch. So that meant that you were on the couch with Sherlock Holmes! His arm wrapped around your waist, which tighten slightly with the little movement you've done. You couldn't remember getting up to lay on the couch. So either Hannah and Isaac decided to play a prank on you and Sherlock. Or Sherlock decided to lay you on the couch with him. Which was impossible.... right? No of course not you probably just got cold off the floor and slept walked to the closest warm body.... Yeah that makes way more sense.
Still you couldn't resist breathing in his aroma, a mixture of fine cologne and various chemicals. It's not like you like liked Sherlock, no heaven forbid that happened, but how many girls could say that they were in the same position as you? Not many you assume. Tentively reaching up you brushed a curl from his forehead relishing the fact that it was far softer then it looks. You preceded to wrap it around your finger and softly pulled on it so it unfurled.
Suddenly Hannah, in her black night clothes, sat up from where she slept and whispered harshly, "What are you doing?" Then layed back down snoring away.
Saying you jumped would be an understatement, if Sherlock's arm wasn't around you, you would have fallen off the couch. Said arm pulled you even closer as said man mumbled something that resembled your name. If you could ask him what he was dreaming you would, because it was probably quite fascinating. Maybe it was you helping him on a case. Really anything was a possibility.
After some thought you figured it was best to just go back to sleep even if it meant waking up to a surprised Sherlock or a surprised room. Depending on how you got where you are.
But as you drifted off to sleep again, there was a soft knock on the front door. You wondered who it could be as you detangled yourself from your blankets and Sherlock. Maybe Mrs.Hudson had a problem which need the help help of the boys. You remember her mentioning a possible mouse the other day. Stepping over people you made your way to the door.
As quietly as possible you pulled open the door. No one was there, stepping out into the hallway you whisper yelled, "Mrs.Hudson was that you? Are you here?" When there was no answer you closed your front door and continued to walk down the small hallway, seeing if maybe she walked off in a hurry after the mouse. After a little inspection there were no signs of the carefree land lady. The room seemed to chill as you came to the realization that maybe it wasn't her that knocked on your door. Noises from up stairs confirmed this. Without thinking you crept up the stairs to Sherlock's flat. As you closed in on his front door a shuffling noise came from inside.
If you had, had time to reflect you would have realized that this was a terrible idea.
But alas you didn't have the time, when the door swong open it revealed a giant of a man. With a voice like gravel when he spoke. "Well, well I tried to catch an otter but it looks like I caught a beautiful bird instead." He then tried to grab you.
Backing up in hopes of staying out off his reach, you countered, "Don't you know birds are one of the hardest animals to catch?" You then turned around and attempted to run away but half way down the stairs you felt him grab your hair.
Which caused you to yelp in pain he quickly covered your mouth. His toxic breath burned your ear as he whispered in it. "Now why would you want to run away? Do you want me to end up hurting you or your friends?" You obviously shook your head in a way to avoid conflict. "Good now let's see if we can leave a little message for Sherlock." Dragging you up the stairs he came over to Sherlock s desk. After threatening you again and forcing you to sit in the desk chair. He grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled some works real quick. Then he grabbed a pair of scissors and cut a strand of your hair off.
He had to hunt down some tape so this gave you a chance to write something down on a none obvious paper that the Jerk wouldn't notice but Sherlock would.
The man made his way back with tape and taped the cut hair to the paper. "Now that, that tedious task is done we can leave now. If you come quietly I won't hurt that pretty face of yours but if you don't, well let's just say you don't want to find out. Get up and get moving down those stairs." Nodding you did as he said, just slightly running your nail on top of the rail to leave further clues. The man made you go out the door and straight into a typical black car.
With that you were kidnapped.
Sherlock woke up at his usual time. When he saw that everyone was still asleep he thought this would be a great time to work on his experiments. No one awake meant no interruptions. He did notice that (Y/N) was missing from the sleeping number, but he just assumed that you awoke in the middle of the night and didn't like the fact that you were placed on the couch with him. He may or may not have put you there with him when he noticed you were fighting in your sleep. If he did he'd never admit it. So you're probably asleep in your room. Nothing to worry about.
Making his way up stairs Sherlock began to notice little things that were off. Had there always been a long line carved into the railing? No there hasn't. Sherlock hurried up the stairs and saw that his door's lock had been picked. Pushing the door open nothing seemed to be off just a slight smell of an unbathed man. Slight impressions on the floor suggest that there was more activity near the desk.
And low and behold almost as if wrapped in a bow was a note. Sherlock picked it up and read, "If you want your little bird back I suggest you play a little game of treasure hunt. If you can find Moriarty again you'll find the girl." The note itself could be a fake but the lock of hair was more than likely yours. For some odd reason this put a knot in Sherlock's stomach.
Running down the stairs shouting, "John! Wake up! Vatican cameos!" Bursting through (Y/N)'s door the detective found the whole room at the ready.
"What the h*ll does Vatican cameos mean?" Isaac grumbled as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.
Hannah sat fixing her hair and started making threats to the man that woke her from her sleep. "I swear Sherlock if this your idea of a prank I'll," Hannah couldn't finish though because John asked, "What happened?"
"(Y/N)'s been kidnapped." Sherlock showed the note and it took all his strength for his hands not to shake.
"What! Not again! Let me see the note." Hannah said instantly getting serious. When Sherlock tried to show her the note Hannah shook her head. "Not that one, the one (Y/N) left, she always leaves one in these situations."
"I didn't see one, but if this is a common enough practice for her it must be upstairs in my flat." Sherlock and Hannah shoot out the door to start the hunt. John just picked up Rosie and walked out the door. "Does (Y/N) get kidnapped often?" He asked.
Isaac sighed, "More then comfortable, she always volunteered to be a stand in if there were demands for other women, or sometimes criminals just took her in hopes that she'd help them. If they were smart they threatened her family cause then she'd help. But she's come back pretty bloody before because they were stupid and only threatened her." Heading upstairs now John couldn't help to say, "Well I hope they don't touch her at all because then there'd be a problem."

Love And Hate Are One And The Same No? A Sherlock x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now