Sleeping Beauty

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To say everyone swarmed around the doctor demanding answers making him look like a scared rabbit would be exactly what happened.
With a mixture of voices what could mostly be heard was, "Is she alright?"
Desperately trying to answer each question the doctor finally had enough and raised his voice, "Will you all be quiet for two seconds and let me speak?" And much like school children after their teacher scolded them, the three lowered their heads in shame. After clearing his throat the doctor spoke, "Now the girls injuries to the face were not as severe as the ones to her ribs, which are cracked, but she will heal in no time. We put her on some pain medications to help her sleep she's probably not going to wake up any time soon so there is no real reason to stay. If she wakes up we'll call you."
With that news there was a collective sigh of relief.
"We can't leave (Y/N) alone if she wakes up here she'd completely freak out." Hannah told the doctor.
"Well in that case one of you can stay but the other two have to go home."
Hannah turned to Sherlock and John, "It should obviously be me I'm her best friend and I know how to make sure she stays calm."
John had no objection to this but Sherlock had to say something. "That may be true but you will need to leave the country soon considering your plane leaves the day after tomorrow."
"I can always get another plane ticket."
"Yes but they are not cheap, I doubt you mentioned to (Y/N) that you spent most of your savings to come here to visit her."
Hannah visibly paled and began to stutter, "Ho- how did you know that?"
"Simple I asked my brother about you and Isaac before I came to the sleep over last night. He does have his usefulness when it comes to information."
Regaining her composure she tried to stand her ground, "Be that as it may I still insist on staying, I have to know if my sister gets better."
"I can give you hourly updates, plus you need to find Isaac because he should have been back by now."
At the mention of Isaac Hannah looked panicked, "You're right of course he probably got his phone broke again but I have to make sure he didn't end up getting hurt too, (Y/N) would cry and blame herself." She then pulled Sherlock's face close to hers and harshly whispered, "You better not tell her the truth, I don't want her to feel guilty. And you better take care of her." With that she let go and started walking away but over her shoulder she said, "I'm leaving her in your hands boy's good luck and have fun but don't have to much fun."
And with that she was gone, Sherlock informed John that he'd text him whenever there was progress. Then he quietly entered you hospital room.
It was much like any other hospital room, white walls, the smell of disinfectant strong in the air, machines beeping and buzzing. This one had two other doors one presumably for a bathroom and the other for a second exit. A couch was placed under the window that offered a poor view of an alley and a chair was next to the bed. And there you layed peacefully, tubes and wires connected to your body. The doctor was right that you injuries weren't all that severe but you still had to have bandages wrapped around the side of your face.
Yet Sherlock couldn't help but think that you looked relatively beautiful as you slept.
Cautiously he sat in the typically uncomfortable chair, picking up your hand as if it would shatter like glass with the slightest movement.
He knew you wouldn't hear him but he spoke anyways, "(Y/N), you have to wake up, I'm sure there are things you still want to do with your life, there must be. Maybe you can try to be my friend, though I'm sure you'd tire of me fairly quickly. Even if you did at least you'd be alive. Plus I'm positive your family would be upset considering your life does not belong to you. It belongs to everyone that loves you. Even if love is a chemical defect it's the truth."
Sherlock honestly didn't know why he spoke those words to you, he just did and it felt right.
Slipping into his mind palace he discovered there was a new floor that was all bright and shiny. Vibrant laughter could be heard all through out, bouncing off the walls.
He tried the doors but none of them opened, having them like confused the man but he left those questions for another time. For now he had to examine his feelings?

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