A trip to the past?

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The first thing you noticed when you started to gain consciousness was the extreme pounding in your head. The second was that you could barely breathe due to the fact something was squeezing your torso. As you sat up a blanket fell off of you to reveal an old styled long sleeved (F/C) blouse with frills on the cuffs. Looking around you observed that you were in 221 B Baker Street but something was off. Everything seemed, older, like it was redesigned to fit a Victorian play. Even the couch you sat on was completely different then the one that's usually here.
"Oh you're finally awake Lady (Y/N), took you long enough." A voice said from the direction of the kitchen.
Raising your head you saw Sherlock he too was different with his hair slicked back and he wore a dress shirt like usual, but this one was different you just couldn't put your finger on it.
"Good lord Sherlock what happened? Last thing I remember was I bought myself a drink after winning a bet against you. It was pretty funny pushing Mycroft's buttons."
"You must be experiencing some ill effects to the pints you were drinking last night, because I wasn't there to lose any bet. Much less see you make a fool of my brother." He moved to sit in his large black leather armchair putting his hands in a praying position. In a gesture of slipping in to his mind palace.
Reflecting on this you nodded. "A hallucination would explain why it seems I'm not in the correct time."
With this he cracked his eye open, "Correct time? What could that possibly mean?."
"Well obviously it means that I'm not from the Victorian era."
That got the second eye to open. "Maybe you need to have Waston examine you. You might have hit your head when you were intoxicated last night. I feel I should add that when I agreed to let you, a noisy American, move in down stairs, I was under the impression that you wouldn't impede any of my investigations. Seeing as having Lestrade bringing you here in the early morning and me having to watch you to insure you don't choke on your own vomit is quite distracting."
Noticing that you were practically dying of thirst you slowly stood up, your apparent skirt billowed to the ground. "Should I feel special that you showed me concern?" After your head stopped spinning enough to stand properly, you made a bee line to the tea pot and poured yourself a cup. Selfishly chugging it down.
"Actually yes you should. I wouldn't do that for everyone."
Smiling you go and playfully slap his arm. "Careful Sherlock even for a hallucination that is to much emotion." Then you sat across from him in John's chair.
"Why are you so sure that this is a hallucination?"
"Because I wouldn't be caught dead in a real corset they are to restricting I can hardly breath as it is. Also you wouldn't have laid me on your couch even you would have put me on your bed."
"Now that's just improper behavior."
"Yes, and most would find it strange on top of it, because you have random spurts where you don't like me. But you would still do it Sherlock because John would tell you to."
"You're supposed to call me Holmes, Lady(Y/N), and that does sound like something Waston would suggest." With that Sherlock waved his hand in a dismissive manner. "Also I don't like most people it's a principle of mine."
Cocking your chin in the air with a sense of pride you replied. "That's true but I've even got Mycroft to semi-respect me, which wasn't to hard to do once I showed my true skills."
"I'd be impressed if I knew what your skills are."
"Well being as this is a time where technology isn't that advanced I wouldn't be able to explain where you would understand."
He scowled, "Something I wouldn't understand? Impossible, there's nothing that I can't understand."
You giggled, "There's no need to get defensive Mycroft wouldn't understand it either. Oh and you also don't understand women and feelings as well."
You really had Sherlock on the edge of his seat now with this information. "Mycroft not understand something now I definitely want to hear about this. Also what does it matter if I don't understand those things (Y/N)? It's not like they're important."
"Oh Sherlock you are so goofy."
John appeared seemingly out of nowhere, "Goofy, now that's a first. No one has called him that before."
You nearly jumped out of the chair from fright. "John you idiot you nearly scared me half to death." Placing a hand on your chest you try to calm your rapidly beating heart. After you calmed down a little you looked up to see how John was different. What started as a snicker erupted into a full tilt laugh so hard until you cried. Both Sherlock and John stared at you like you lost your mind. When you could finally breath again you wiped the tears from your eyes. "I'm sorry John it's just that your mustache is so ridiculous that it surprised me."
He was utterly baffled to say the least. "Umm it's quite alright, but if you wouldn't mind could you fetch me a cup of tea."
Frowning you did he asked but only because it was such an odd request. The man moved to sit in the chair You just vacated as you went to grab the whole tray of tea and cookies. You place it on the coffee table between the two men.
John being a polite gentlemen says, "Thank you Lady (Y/N)."
"Don't mention it, ever."
Suddenly your head starts to spin and you fall backwards the men yell in shock and try to catch you as you black out again.
This time you awake in Sherlock's room, a cold hand pressed against your head it felt lovely against the pain to say the least. Before you looked to see the owner of said hand you looked at the wall to see a good sized periodic table. You let out a sigh you weren't hallucinating anymore.
"Why are you sighing?"
Gazing up you were bewildered that it was Sherlock checking your temperature. Your jaw dropped and Sherlock was the one to sigh this time. "Don't be to shocked John told me to watch over you. He was worried that the alcohol might have an ill effect on you after the way you acted yesterday."
"Well as always the doctor is always right because you wouldn't believe what I hallucinated." You tried to sit up but Sherlock pushed you back down.
"You'll have to tell me another time because you have to rest, John's orders." With that Sherlock headed towards his bedroom door.
"Yes, yes I will. Maybe I'll be able to tell Holmes that I was right."
That stopped him dead in his tracks though. Turning to you with a question on his face. "Holmes?"
Laughing you just fixed the blanket as you explained. "Yes Holmes it's what this Victorian era version of you called himself instead of just going by your first name. Remind me to tell John about Waston he'll probably get a good laugh about his mustache." With the blanket fixed you just gazed up at Sherlock. "You probably think I'm silly."
With a small smile Sherlock shook his head. "Quite the contrary (Y/N), it reminds me of the case of the ambidoble bride."
"Oh you have to tell me what happened. It can be like a bedtime story."
He thought about it for a second and then sat on the edge of the bed. "Okay, but only because there is obviously something wrong with your head. That's the only reason you'd act so childish." Ignoring his rude comment you settled in even more as Sherlock began his story. "It began with my banishment after the Magnusson case. I wasn't in the best of spirits due to the fact I was leaving everyone behind so I opted to get high..." His soothing voice faded away as you fell asleep.

Love And Hate Are One And The Same No? A Sherlock x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now