A visit from an unlikely trio

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You awoken from your peaceful slumber by a slamming door and angry British screaming. "Let me in there or I swear by bloody hell you'll be fired before your lunch break!"
A calmer voice with a French accent spoke next, "I'd listen to him Madame he's very anxious to see our friend. The second he heard the fille got hurt he rushed over here." A soft voice could barely be heard.
The nurse must of caved in and directed them to your room because not even seconds later your door slammed open. Sherlock stood up ready to defend against who ever came in.
There really was no need too because the three men that came in were your friends.
The first, Arthur Kirkland, was dressed in khakis and green vest with a white collared shirt underneath. His hair was it's usual messy sandy blond with his bold eyebrows just a slightly lighter shade and striking emerald eyes looking disappointingly at you.
The second man, Francis Bonnefoy, was more feminine in his dress and grooming, he wore dark purple dress slacks and a matching shirt. With blond almost shoulder length hair and sparkling blue eyes, if he didn't have slight chin stubble he could, and has been, be mistaken for a girl. His blue eyes showed a mix of emotions, from worry to fatherly concern. He held a giant bouquet of roses.
The last man, Matthew Williams, wore a simple red hoodie with a maple leaf on the front with worn jeans. His blond hair was also almost shoulder length with an odd curl sticking out. His purple eyes looked through his thin circle glasses with nothing but sympathy. The white bear in his arms also seemed to have the same emotion on it's face.
Arthur spoke first, "(Y/N) you've only been here for maybe two months and you go and get kiddnapped! Even after I took all that time to find you a nice neighborhood to live in with a wonderful landlady. And if I wouldn't have heard about it from Alfred, who heard it from Hannah, you probably would have never had told me!"
"Oui I have to agree with Angelterre you would have kept it secret from all your friends."
With a groan you turn to the confused Sherlock, "You can sit down they're not gonna fight me just nag a lot."
"Well that's our job as friends is it not?" He huffed at you then turned his attention to Sherlock, "And excuse my rude manners my name is Arthur Kirkland and you are?"
"Sherlock Holmes." Came his short reply as he sat back down in the chair.
The name caused Francis to crowd around him trying to get a better look at him, "Mon Dieu the Great Sherlock Holmes the famous consulting detective, how in the world did (Y/N) come to know you?"
"We're neighbors," came his short reply.
As Francis bombarded him with more questions Matthew made his way to the other side of your bed his voice could be barely called a whisper as he asked, "You didn't get to badly hurt right, eh?"
With a warm laugh and smile you held out your arms, "I'd be better if I got a hug from my favorite Canadian and his polar bear." Kumajirou jumped into your arms cuddling close as Matthew hugged you from the side.
From your other side you felt a strong hug as well just by the smell of burnt biscuits you knew it was Arthur.
"You know you're still not off the hook, when you get better I'm going to give you the longest scolding of your life poppet."
Patting him on the head with a sigh, "If you say so, hey who else knows that I'm here?"
Francis paused from his questioning and smiled, "Oh everyone Cherie, they just couldn't make it and send their love."
"Feliciano was crying buckets when he heard the news. Ivan wanted to send a whole field of sunflowers." Arthur added, "Not that Francis was any better we had to stop him from buying the whole lot."
"A rose is the symbol of love how else can I show my love for (Y/N) if not with many flowers."
"We all love her but there's no need to buy a bloody flower shop for her!"
"Alfred shows his love by buying food." Matthew tried to point out.
Sherlock seemed to just observe until that point but the word love made him want to question the visitors.
"How is it you all know (Y/N)? Your relationships must all be very close if you use the word love so readily."
With no one really knowing how to answer that a silence fell upon the room.
Then Francis let out a strange laugh, "Ohonhonhon is someone jealous or just curious."
Scowling Sherlock looked away, "That question does not imply either of those silly emotions. I simply just wish to know the relationship between everyone."
Smirking Francis made his way to your bed, slightly pushing Arthur away, he gently held your face in a way that rendered you speechless. "What if I said (Y/N) and I were lovers mon ami?"
This got Sherlock to glare at the French man, "Then I would call you a liar because your body language suggests you are not comfortable with interacting with her in such a way."
"Get off her you frog you know (Y/N) freezes up when you do that," Arthur growled as he pulled Francis away from you.
You definitely need to change the atmosphere in here, you thought, so you cleared your throat, "Francis where's Gilbert and Antonio? I hardly ever see the bad touch trio separated."
With as much drama that can ever be possible Francis sounded like he was in mourning, "Ludwig is forcing Gilbert to help with some cleaning at his home and Antonio had some business in southern Italy."
"Make sure to send them my love when you see them."

"Of course mon petite."
Sherlock cleared his throat, "Sorry to interrupt but I still want to know everyone's relationship."
"Sherlock for a genius you sure are slow, and honestly I shouldn't say anything. But since you know about Hannah and Isaac I guess there's no harm. They're just really close friends I met them after I met Alfred, who I've said before is basically the American government. He trained me  to do spy stuff but quickly figured out I was better with the computer. Each of them has a special skill that they utilize in the field. Matthew for example is a great sleeper agent," the Canadian blushed at the attention. "While Arthur keeps American and British relations on good terms."
"The people that were mentioned earlier are also spies?"
"Yes they are, ironically none of them are from the same country so when everyone comes together it's like a world meeting."
Arthur decided to add on to what you were saying with, "For that reason when we're in the field we use our countries as code names, I'm England for example."
"I'm France mon ami."
"I'm Canada." Matthew whispered.
Sherlock thought for a second and then inquired, "Does that make (Y/N) America?"
You couldn't help but laugh, "Good god no that title goes to Alfred, if you ever get to meet him you'll completely understand why the 'hero' would never give away that title."
"Then what was your code name?"
Without missing a beat, you replied with, "Revenge."
"Why revenge?"
All the seriousness in the world was in your answer, "Lets hope you never have to find out."
To lighten the mood Francis started telling stories about his latest missions with Arthur. Causing the Englishman to start blushing and ranting, calling Francis a flirtatious scoundrel who couldn't focus on any of the missions due to the women.
They made you laugh so hard your ribs hurt more. Not to long after a nurse had to ask them to leave.
"Adieu Mon Cherie parting is such sweet sorrow," Francis said as he kissed your forehead.
Matthew gave you one last hug, "Bye (Y/N) I hope Kumajirou helped you feel better."
"You better call me soon or I promise you your scolding will be doubled." Arthur took the roses from Francis and laid them on the side table. Then he kissed your hand before leaving with the other two.
"Your friends are strange," Sherlock observed.
"Yes I know but they are beyond loving and protective. I wouldn't trade them for the world." Letting out a yawn you tried to continue talking but were silenced by the tall detective.
"You need to go back to sleep, a healing body needs rest."
Not needing to be told twice you preceded to fall asleep leaving Sherlock to his own devices.

Love And Hate Are One And The Same No? A Sherlock x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now