Two peas in a pod

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Sherlock showed you to an office door and without knocking just strolled in you paused a second to compose yourself to further this semi-charade. You did here about a possible computer job at the police station but you didn't hear it from John. Let's just say you know people. After you took a deep breath and before you heard an angry voice. "Sherlock how many times have I told you not to just come here with no reason to be here?"
"I do have a reason though Lestrade."
"And it what in heavens name would that me?"
Seeing the perfect opportunity for the dramatic you came into the room with a flourish. "That reason would be me."
Lestrade who had his legs propped up on his desk fell out of his chair with a soft thump.
With concern in your voice you looked over his desk down at him and asked. "Are you ok Detective Lestrade?"
He quickly got up and tried to act as natural as possible. "Yes, yes I'm quite all right Ms?"
"(Y/N) I came looking into a possible computer job here."
"How did you hear about that? Only a few people know about that."
You smirk and sit down crossing your legs placing your hands on your knees. "I have my ways sir and if it's possible I'd like to apply for the job."
Lestarde also took a seat. "Do you have any job qualifications?"
"None that can be put on paper sadly." You pout then you get an idea. "Maybe I can demonstrate my skills." You turned toward the Sherlock with a winning smile. "Sherlock can I borrow your phone? I promise I won't break it."
He looked a little uncomfortable to be put on the spot in this situation but pulled out his phone and handed it to you nonetheless. "I don't see why not."
"Now to avoid any confusion I will explain that I'm going to look through your computer using Sherlock's phone."
Lestrade looked catonic, almost. He still could ask the simple question of, "Is that even possible?"
"Yes." You looked at him like it should be the most obvious thing in the world. Unlocking the phone, "Now let's see what Lestrade has on his work computer. Is that a whole file on Sherlock? Not really surprised I'd have one too if I worked with him for many years and still knew the bare minimum about him." Glancing up you smirk. "Now here's a surprise you read Johnlock fan fiction? I can see the chemistry between them but it would never work out if they got romantic." Lestrade was turning as red as tomatoes from Spain. "You started an internet relationship with a beautiful woman. You should learn more about her though. Don't you agree Sherlock?."
Said man looked over your shoulder. "Oh yes she has three children all from different men best stay away from her you might turn into father number four."
"It's cute how you have several theories on Jack the Ripper and on," You paused and looked up at Sherlock, "How Sherlock must have survived his death. Why would he have that Sherlock?"
"I have no idea." He may have said that but he couldn't look you in the eyes.
Lestrade finally seemed to snap out of it. "My god Sherlock it's like you found another you."
With out meaning to you started laughing and couldn't stop. When you could finally breathe you said. "My goodness no I'm not a high functioning sociopath I'm just smarter then normal humans."
Lestrade looked at you like you were out of your freaking mind. "You're right I guess."

"I'm always right." You looked like a smug child as you said this then your face got all serious. "Now did I get the job?"
After scratching his head Lestrade thought for a moment then responded. "I'll mention it to the chief, but I have to ask how did you get past the fire walls?"
Without missing a beat you said. "I didn't even notice that there was any you should probably upgrade them. I'll see you later then," You said as you stood up to leave and handed him a business card. "Here's my card email me when you know if I got the job or not. Bye bye Greg." Then you left a highly confused Lestrade and an impressed Sherlock.
"Where did you find a girl like that? She's unbelievable Sherlock and not to mention beautiful."
"Yeah she is." Sherlock unconsciously says as he watches you head out of the office. "Good day Lestrade remember to contact me about any cases." Then the detective hurried after you.

Love And Hate Are One And The Same No? A Sherlock x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now