So Lunch?

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So food might not have been a good idea. There was an argument between Mycroft and Sherlock on where to go. Obviously John and you didn't participate seeing as it was silly to fight about it. Finally after about thirty minutes of arguing you spoke up, "I'm dying to have a good old fashioned hamburger know any good places that have that John?"
Thinking the doctor hummed as if to say yes but he didn't get a chance to answer because Sherlock jumped in instead. "I do and it's not that far from here."
"I didn't know you changed your name from Sherlock to John." You giggled.
Rolling his eyes Sherlock just grabbed your arm and started dragging you along. Hailing a cab he mumbled a name to the driver after everyone got in it shot off. "Where are we going?" Mycroft asked.
"You'll see brother dear."
"Ooo Sherlock is being all mysterious with his cheekbones again John." You say in a sing song voice managing to get a smile from everyone. "Oh my goodness is Mycroft smiling? At my joke? Is the world ending?" You hear sniffled laughing coming from John and Sherlock.
Mycroft even smirked a little bit. Frowning he says, "Quit being so dramatic (Y/N)."
Pouting you sigh, "Yes Mycie (Mikey)." Mycroft of course wasn't amused as full laughter erupted in the cab. Said cab pulled to a full stop in front of a nice looking spot. "Burger and Lobster so basically something for everyone's tastes." You mused as you got out and headed for the front door of the grey fronted restaurant.
Filing in you notice the nice lighting, red booths, wood paneling walls, and decent bar. So it's wasn't exactly 5 star but it was still very nice. Hesitantly you look back at Sherlock, "Umm Sherlock even if this is a burger place I feel like I'm under dressed. I mean even John has a nice pair of slacks on. Not to meantion Mycroft never leaves the house without a suit."
"None sense come," He says as the hostess takes you to the back where a booth is gesturing for you to sit first and then slides in next to you. Leaving John and Mycroft to awkwardly sit across from you. With the usual 'your server will be right with you' the hostess left.
You tentatively try to make more conversation. "So this is nice."
"Yes but I do believe you just wanted me to pay for you some food (Y/N) not for me to buy everyone a meal." Mycroft said.
John actually looked offended at this. "Oi there's nothing wrong with buying everyone some food like a civilised human being. When was the last time you ate with other people? Other then a formal function."
"I don't have to answer that."
Tensions were rising you just had to figure out how to calm them. The waitress came and asked if anyone wanted a drink. "Oh god yes can I have some (F/D) my friends here would probably like some form of tea."
The gentlemen at the table each gave you their form of a pointed look. John was the one to chide you. "(Y/N) just because we're British doesn't mean we always drink tea."
Pulling an innocent look you gasp at John. "But I thought drinking tea and talking proper was all that being British is about."
There was a collective groan, you even heard Mycroft mutter something about not being a goldfish. The men ordered their drinks. With the waitresses departure silence fell on the table again. Not even bothering to try conversation you just looked around. Noticing that a couple of people were staring, seeing as it was mostly girls you weren't really surprised even you could admit that the three men with you were different degrees of attractive. The waitress came back with your drinks and asking if everyone was ready to order. You scrambled to look over the menu.
Sherlock took it upon himself to order first. "Yes I want the fish and chips and (Y/N) here wants a hamburger with chips."
The waitress quickly wrote that down then commented. "That's sweet that your boyfriend orders for you sweetie." John chocked on his drink.
"Oh no you've got it wrong he's not my," You tried to deny but Sherlock just brushed it off with a question directed at his brother and best friend.
"Are you two going to order?"
After catching his breath John ordered something similar and Mycroft ordered something with shrimp. With that the waitress left again.
John asked the question that the table wanted to know. "Sherlock why didn't you correct her?"
Always the one to be oblivious when it comes to social things. "About what?" Glancing around the table he picked up on the 'really' looks. "Oh you mean when the server referred to me as (Y/N)'s boyfriend? Well I saw no need to it caused no insult to either of us nor did it hurt anyone else." He pulled out his phone and started typing away as if to dismiss the whole thing.
Mycroft did the same but he added. "I can see the gossip papers now."
John gave you a sympathetic look as if to say sorry I have no control over these two. You gave a ghost of a smile to say it was ok.
As you sat waiting for your food you tried to entertain yourself in the best way you knew how. You elbowed Sherlock's ribs and bent your finger to get him to lower his head so you could whisper in his ear. You had to do this because even sitting down Sherlock is a giant. "Care for a bet?"
"What kind of bet?"
"10 pounds says I can get John to be flustered and or frustrated."
"To easy, a real challenge would be myself or Mycroft."
"True. So do we have a deal?"
After a moment of thought Sherlock nodded.
"What are you two whispering about?" Both of you jump up and say "Nothing John." Sherlock went back to his phone.
Now to choose your 'victim'. Mycroft wouldn't react to anything you do to him even if you got physical. If you did anything to Sherlock that would be a bit unfair to the bet. So Mycroft it is. "You know Mycroft I'm curious to know what you would say if I did date Sherlock."
His eye twithed, "There wouldn't be much to say it's my brother's affairs not mine."
"But wouldn't you want to know about it though?"
"But you wanted to know about him so bad when I first moved in you tried to bribe me."
Another twitch, "That maybe true but I'm not that concerned."
"Oh I doubt that. I mean you seem like the type that enjoys good gossip as much as the next person."
"I'm not as unsophisticated as that I would stoop so low as to snoop into my brother's love life."
"He's family sophistication doesn't apply because feelings are always involved."
Mycroft snarled, "(Y/N) I don't evolve myself in such sentiment."
"Oh dear you did today though. You were so worried about Sherlock."
Here he snapped, "That's enough (Y/N) one more word and I swear you will disappear by this time next week."
Smirking you look up at Sherlock, "I think that means I won." Mycroft was bewildered of course.
"How do you assume that?"
"Death threats usually means frustrations towards a person. Isn't that obvious?"
"Yes I suppose your right." He pulled out his wallet and handed you a ten.
"Thank you for your investment." An idea popped into your head and your smile grew. "You know it's only customary to have a drink to celebrate when someone survives a life or death situation." You gestured for the waitress to come back and you ordered a strong drink. John and Sherlock both declined due to mumbled reasons. Mycroft just glared at you. "Fine it's not like I could buy one for each of us with a ten anyways."
The rest of the afternoon went by with a blur of similar bets. One might have had you making Sherlock try snapchat filters. Each bet you got a little tipsier and finally you blacked out from all the alcohol.

Love And Hate Are One And The Same No? A Sherlock x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now