Like the Gun?

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The shorter of the two cleared his throat and started speaking in what you assume he thought was a British accent. "Ma'am my name is Smith and this is my partner Wesson, we are with Scotland yard, we need to ask you a few questions." He flashed a strange badge.
Seeing through the obvious lie you open the door for them and try your hardest not to laugh. "Sure come right in Scotland yard is always welcome here," you turn to Sherlock with a cocked brow, "Right Sherlock?"
Catching on rather quickly Sherlock nodded, "Yes (Y/N), of course Scotland yard is always welcome in my humble abode. Tell me how my good friend Anderson is doing, she hasn't stopped by in a gods age."
The two glanced at each other 'Wesson' cleared his throat and in an even more ridiculous accent, "Anderson is doing good she sends her love."
This made you crack up, "Anderson said that?"
"Yes of course," He confirmed.
This was to hilarious, these guys were standing in the middle of the living room making the whole place feel tiny, they obviously didn't get the joke when you and Sherlock broke down in laughing fits.
Sherlock recovered first, "It's apparent that you don't work for Scotland yard in any way shape or fashion. It's even more apparent that you are American. Familiar with guns if the calluses on your hands allude to anything. Also knives, are often getting into fights. Are brothers, with the shorter one as the oldest. You can tell by how he stands slightly infront of the other. They are more comfortable in loose clothes such as flannel and jeans. The only thing I can't tell is what your real names are because from my recollection I haven't heard of two Americans parading around posing as Scotland yard officers."
Here you raised your hand like you were in class and Sherlock waved for you to speak, "I think I remember a number of cases in America where two men were posing as FBI agents for a few years now. All over the country every time they appeared whatever major crime that was happening was solved. A large percentage of them were murders."
"I assume these murders had strange happenings around them so that would explain why they appeared at my door step." Sherlock concluded. "Anything I miss?"
In a much more natural, pleasing voice the oldest shook his head and pursed his lips, "Nope that sounds about right, right Sammy?"
"Yes Dean, I'm Sam Winchester and this is my older brother Dean. We came because of the lastest murders and seeing how you solve all major cases we thought we could ask you and Ms.Waston here some questions."
Dean stuck out his hand to you, which you took and he pulled the bold move of kissing your knuckles, "Who knew that the famous Doctor Waston was so beautiful."
"You and your brother have me mistaken me for a man Mr.Winchester because I can assure you I'm not Doctor John Waston. My name is (Y/N)(L/N) formally a agent for a number of agencies in America." You pulled your hand back to reveal the gun he had consealed. "Mind if I admire the craftsmanship?" You move out of his reach as he tries to grab the weapon.
"Hey give that back," He whined as he lunged for it. Sam just seemed to laugh at his brothers expense.
Ignoring them you say your observations, "It's truly a beautiful weapon being a M1911A1 colt, type Pistol, caliber 11.45x23mm, semi-automatic slightly heavy, below average bullet capacity. What would a couple of wannabe investigators need with such a beautiful gun Sherlock?" You ask as you hand him the gun.
"Only they can tell us that, but I do believe we should wait for the real John Waston to make an appearance. Shouldn't take but a few minutes, (Y/N) can you grab these two gentlemen a chair so they can state their case?"
"I don't see why not since you asked so nicely." Grabbing the usually wooden chair for Dean and one from the kitchen for Sam you had them sit in the 'client spot'. You decided to sit in Johns seat.
After they settled into them they tried to make casual conversation with Dean taking the lead. "Sorry about that we didn't know that Mr.Homles had another room mate."
"Mhm my research isn't always perfect ma'am. I'm sorry Ms.(L/N)"
"It's ok, and please call us by our first names it looks like we might be working together."
Sherlock shook his head, "Not if their case bores me."
Dean seemed to ignore Sherlock to keep all of his attention on you, "So beautiful where'd you learn to pickpocket?"
"Yeah that was pretty awesome," Sam added.
"Just something I picked up nothing to major about it. Why do you carry around a customized gun?" You countered.
The two shared a look that felt more like a mental conversation. Both seemed slightly opposed to telling the truth but agreed it was the best option. Dean broke the stare first, "How bout we wait until John gets here then it'll be easier to convince all three of you at once when we invite our friend here."
"Friend?" Sherlock question glancing over everones faces landing on yours. "You said the rumors only mentioned two men."
"Yes, well rumors are always full of holes aren't they? Like the ones that say you and John are secretly lovers." You gave a slight gliggle at the thought.
"Me and Sherlock are secretly what?" John said as he made his entrance, then after taking in the situation asked. "Why are there two clients here and no one thought to inform me?"
Standing up you patted the old chair, "We were waiting for you duh. These two gentleman came posing as Scotland yard officers Sherlock and I saw right through it. I then proceeded to embarrass the short one there. Afterwards we just sat chatting waiting for you." After John sat down Sherlock stood and subtly gestured for you to sit there. Not one to miss a good opportunity you sat leaving him to stand with his back against the mantle. "Now we apparently just need to wait in their friends to show up to convince us of some unbelievable thingy." After filling John in, the three of you looked at the two brothers expectantly.
Sam pulled out his phone quickly dialed a number, "Cas time to make a grand entrance." Not even a second later and equally tall man stood behind them. He had relatively short hair, a five o'clock shadow and a dirty grey trench coat.
To say that a few curses of surprise came from John and yourself would not be too surprising. What was though was that Sherlock didn't even blink he just shrugged like it was a magic trick he would see through in a matter of seconds.
Dean stood up, "Let me reintroduce us I'm Dean Winchester this is Sam and that is Castiel. We're hunters and he's an angel."
John shook his head in disbelief, "An angel no bloody way."
"Trust me he's an angel wings, halo, the whole package." Still disbelief was evident, "Maybe it will help if I said The Doctor sent us?"

Yes I'm heartless enough to leave this stopped here because its late and I want to publish this ASAP. Sorry if I don't get the boys right I've only seen a few episodes of Supernatural but I really want a cross over. No worries I'm on a roll expect a new chapter within the next week.

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