What Can We Say About The Heart?

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Taking (Y/N) to the hospital was beyond chaos to say the least. From the panic of her passing out yet again to the many cops and first response people.
Sherlock and Hannah put up a fight when they weren't let onto the ambulance.
Hannah was defiantly the most verbal about it though. To the point they were physically holding her back. "She is my best friend, practically my sister, I have to go with her if I don't and if something happens," her voice cracked there but she swallowed continuing, "I'm going and there's no way you can stop me." Here she started her threats, "If you try I can promise the next person to be on a hospital bed will be one of you."
With that they backed off letting her on. Sherlock tried to follow but John was the one to stop him with a shake of his head, "They won't let you go no matter what you say, also Lastrade insists on asking you questions."
With a solemn nod, the ambulance doors closed in his face and sped away. Sherlock watched until it was no longer visible, turning to hunt down the man that's keeping him there. With the little time to think Sherlock's mind wandered questioning why he felt the need to know that you were ok. Why did he want to ride with you? Why is it when you went limp in his arms that his heart dropped. He'd have to think about it more in his mind palace later.
"What the bloody h*ll did you do this time Sherlock?" Lestrade interrogated with a pen and paper ready to write his statement.
Not even batting an eye Sherlock spoke with as much emotion as a log, "My neighbor was abducted right out of her flat, managed to leave a note, that lead to a tracer, which brought us here. There was very little time to do much, we couldn't even find any proper clues, from the little I've seen though Moriarty has been here less then two weeks with a dozen men coming and going. From the injuries on (Y/N) one of them is quite strong and fights often. Wouldn't you agree John?"
"Yes, from the injuries to her neck we can assume she was held by her neck while being hit. No average man can do that."
"Yes now we must be going." Without another word Sherlock left, even with Lestrade shouting at him, he made a bee line to a cab, John not to far behind him. Telling the cabbie where to go he settled back.
John spoke breaking all possibilities of silence, "She's going to be ok you know, there's no need to worry."
"Yes I know there's no need to tell me that, I wasn't worried at all this is (Y/N) we're talking about the girl who has managed to threaten a maniac and survive. While also gaining the respect of my brother and mildly mine as well. She apparently hacked into the Pentagon. So of course she's fine, her injuries are superficial at worst. There's no way she'd die of something like this," John put a hand on Sherlock's shoulder making him stop completely .
"You're rabbling."
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are Sherlock."
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are."
"Yes, you are and this is getting childish."
The cab slid to a stop infront of the hospital, before it even fully stopped Sherlock jumped out and rushed inside. Leaving John to pay the fair much like usual.
Sherlock found the nurses station immediately, "I need to know what's happening to (Y/N) (L/N), she was rushed here in an ambulance not to long ago."
The elderly nurse, who looked like she's seen this exact scene one to many times, checked a clipboard, "Are you her family?"
"No of course not, we look nothing alike if you use your eye's for a change or maybe you need new prescription eyeglasses."
"Well if your not family or a significant other information on the patient can't be released until she is up to seeing visitor's. You are welcome to go sit and wait over there." Pointing to the crowded waiting room.
By this time John came to be the voice of reason, "I'm sorry about him he's a friend of hers."
"Even so he can't go in without being family or a significant other."
"I'm her boyfriend and he's with me please let us go in," John begged.
Sherlock's head turned so fast you could almost hear his neck snapping. This was news for him. When did this happen? (Y/N) denied liking him, very thoroughly in fact. Sherlock could recall how you slapped him.
The nurse sighed, "Fine but if anyone asks he's her cousin." After giving them directions on where to go she buzzed them in.
Even with all of the scurrying Sherlock found time to ask, "When?"
"When what?"
"When did you and (Y/N) start dating?"

"Oh that, brilliant wasn't it figured she wouldn't believe you if you said it so I lied and said that. It was the only way she'd let us in."
Bless John and his quick thinking, but why was Sherlock so relieved to find that it was a lie? That just adds on to the growing list of things he needs to look over in his mind palace.
Literally sliding to a stop in front of the correct door, they found Hannah waiting outside it.
She looked up on the verge of tears, again Sherlock's heart dropped thinking the worst has happened. "How is she?" Sherlock managed to ask without his voice shaking.
"The doctors said it wasn't to bad but it's been almost thirty minutes since they went in there. If it wasn't bad they would have let me in by now." Slowly tears began to fall, covering her face with her hands Hannah began to softly cry.
John sat next to her and hesitantly put an arm on her shoulders. "It will be ok, (Y/N)'s fine. Right Sherlock?"
After clearing his throat Sherlock answered none to convincingly, "Yes of course, what's the worse that could happen?" Finishing it off with an obvious fake smile.
At that moment a doctor came out of the room with a nervous look.......

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