Miss Me?

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"What's impossible?" You inquire. No one really answered but you heard everyone whisper Moriarty. You surprisingly recognize that name and you feel a shock go through you. "No no, no, there is no way that monster could still be alive. I've dug through the deepest parts of the web and have confirmed he's dead!" Your hands are shaking at this point you grab the nearest phone and dial the one number you knew would be able to do something.
After a few rings an irritated male British voice answered. "This is a highly classified number you have three seconds to explain yourself before I have you hunted down and killed."
Even in your paniced state you couldn't help but smirk. "Now Mycroft that's no way to speak to a lady."
"(Y/N) how in God's name did you get my number?"
"That's not important. Right now you need to get to 221B Baker street Sherlock's missing and Moriarty might be involved."
"Impossible! Sherlock destroyed his whole network."
"I know it is but there's evidence of it on Sherlock's laptop so get your butt over here now!" With that you hung up.
"Did you just hang up on Mycroft?" John asked with a look of awe.
"Yes I did what's he gonna do about it have me murdered?" You snicker. Then turn your attention back to the laptop. Opening the file skimming through the words you found that it basically says that Sherlock may have missed a small branch of Moriarty's network when he was out destroying it. Only way to find out was upon further investigation, Sherlock noted. He doesn't want to involve John due to the fact he didn't want to bring up old memories from a few years ago. When you compare the date that Sherlock put that he'd go out to loom for clues and the day you visited Scotland yard they matched up perfectly. That explains why he didn't really put up a fight when John said to go. That stupid idiot going off without any back up. You thought. As you finished reading Mycroft finally showed up. "Took you long enough. What did you want to make a grand entrance? Or did you want to be fashionably late?" You said to the man.
"Neither of course I'm not as dramatic as my brother (Y/N)."
"Yes you are." You replied flatly, John and Lestrade could be heard choking in the background, getting up you motion for him to sit down. "Now read this and tell me what you think."
He reluctantly did as you said. You sat back down in Sherlock's chair to wait. Thinking about what you read, Could it really be possible that that evil spider's web survived, but how can something like that remain so well hidden? Especially in this day of technology. If that survived could Moriarty have survived his death as well. Impossible you've read the autopsy report yourself. There was no way he survived, accept if hell froze over which is unlikely. Back to the network then only way it survived is if a few of Moriarty's men slipped through the cracks. If that happened then it's fully possible that Sherlock's right a small part survived and is thriving.
John tapped your shoulder, "(Y/N) why aren't you responding?" You look around and notice everyone was staring at you.
Blinking you apologize, "I'm sorry I guess I was thinking to hard. What was the question?"
"Great another mindless twit trying to think." Mycroft muttered.
Glaring at him, "Talk like that again to me and I'll leak all of your personal information and classified data onto every social media outlet available."
"You wouldn't have the means or the guts to do such a thing."
John snapped his fingers and all the attention went to him. "As much as I'd love to see this continue we do have a more serious problem to attend to."
Mycroft nodded his head and pointed at John. "Right. Now anyone who does not serve a meaningful purpose at this very moment. I'd suggest you forget any and everything you've just seen and or heard and if I find out that you spread any information about this situation. I will personally hunt you down and have you put away. Now look scared and scuttle away." Everyone except for John, Mycroft and you left. Some time during this whole event Mrs.Hudson came and took Rosie down stairs. Mycroft glared at you. "Shouldn't you be leaving?"
"No of course not this is far to interesting plus you need my help."
"Why would we need your help?"
"For a genius you sure are slow." You sigh, "Because Sherlock left a trail on his devices and you obviously don't know that many hackers."
"I thought you just did small jobs for the American government." Mycroft tried to shock you with this but you already knew that he probably did his research on you.
"Considering that the world's in danger I can take a break from that work to help the British government AKA you Mycroft." Pausing you look at John. "Close your mouth John you'll catch flies. It can't be that much of a surprise that your neighbor isn't normal much like the rest of the company you keep."
He cleared his throat. "Yes of course but do you care to explain?"
"Come on John it must be obvious now (Y/N) is a highly skilled hacker she works for different sectors of the American government. She moved to London mostly for fun but she probably also got involved with some dangerous people."
Laughter bubbled up from inside you. "You really are a genius even Sherlock couldn't figure that out but I must say sorry John it's one of those if I tell you I have to kill you things." You wipe the tears away from your eyes. "I didn't tell you, he did, so you don't have to worry." Getting serious again you grab Sherlock's laptop and start typing at the speed of light, since you didn't have to hide your talent you didn't hold back.
As you worked John decided to try and have a converstaion with Mycroft. "She never said how she got your personal number."
"Though I regret to say this." He sighed and confessed, "Even that leaves me confused. I had a few analysts check to see if we were hacked and they found nothing."
You didn't even look up as you commented, "Of course they wouldn't I'm way to good to be tracked."
Mycroft nodded with a look that said he very regretfully admired that. "Found anything?"
"Duh I found everything a moment ago I was just enjoying some of your baby pictures that Sherlock has scanned into his laptop." You smile like you hit the jackpot.
As Mycroft stood up to snatch the laptop away from you you actually felt a little scared. Lowering your head guiltily you dejectedly say. "I was only kidding about that. I do have a good idea where Sherlock maybe though."
"Now where pray tell may that be?"
"The sewers under Big Ben." John said after looking at the laptop.

Love And Hate Are One And The Same No? A Sherlock x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now