Trouble Comes in Three's

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The next few days went relatively normal because you didn't interact with the estranged detective or his trigger happy doctor. Except in passing but nothing more then 'hellos' and 'good days' were said.
Lestrade got back with you about the job and told you that his chief gave the green flag. You got your own office and everything. Which you got to decorate how ever you wanted, You decided to keep it simple with a few bamboo plants and a few picture frames of cherry blossoms. After you finished decorating you sat down with a satisfied sigh in your comfortable rolly chair. Giving a little spin you couldn't think of how this could get any better. Then there happened to be a commotion outside and your office door slammed open.
"(Y/N)! You dump idiot how can you move to London and not tell me!" A girl shouted at you.
Dumbstruck it took you a second to even recognize your best friend but once you did you jumped up squealing, glompimg her into a bear hug. "Oh my God Hannah! What are you doing here!?"
She hugged you back just as hard. "I just had to see my best friend to see if she was ok."
"Did you come by yourself or did you come with someone?" Releasing her from the smothering you saw that she was wearing some practical clothes just simple jeans and a colorful t-shirt.
"I brought Isaac along of course."
At the mention of your other best friend you looked out into the main office space for him. "Really where is he?"
As if appearing out of thin air he said, "Right here." In his deep baritone voice.
Looking up at him you had the biggest grin on your face and you jumped up into his arms for a hug, "You would not believe how much I've missed you guys!"
He chuckled hugging you tight. "We missed you too. I had to convince Hannah not to murder you though."
Your little happy reunion was interrupted right then though by Lestrade shouting, "Why in the bloody blazes is it so noisy in here." He came into the room followed by an interested Sherlock and John. Sherlock's expression instantly turned sour at the scene.
Isaac quickly put you down standing on one side of you and Hannah moved to stand on the other.
You quickly apologized, "I'm sorry Lestrade it's just I got some surprise visitors."
Looking over the situation Lestrade asked the next most logical question. "Who are they?"
Opening your mouth to answer you got disrupted by Sherlock who apparently wanted to show off. "The girl is obviously (Y/N)'s closest friend the way she leans towards her suggests a closeness that comes from many years of knowing each other. Which means we can conclude that she is American as well. The way she holds herself suggests she has a job that demands respect, the fact that she's hiding a few weapons suggests that job demands the respect in a way that may end in violence at times. She attracts a lot of attention due to her beauty but she's to naive to notice it and when she does she just shrugs it off. Now," After he fully examines Hannah he turns to Isaac with a scowl, "This fellow is also a close friend of (Y/N)'s. He also must hold a similar position as Hannah due to the fact that he's obviously used to fighting. His large size and bad temper help in this field. The familiarity that he was holding (Y/N) suggests that they had a previous relationship that was regretfully ended between the two. The way he stands close to her suggests that he wishes to maybe restart that relationship but would never suggest it so he continues the flirtatious relationship they have now."
"Sherlock." John says in a warning tone.
Innocently Sherlock looks at John. "What? Not good?"
John just shook his head.
Biting your lip you tried not to laugh when you looked up at your closest friends. They were showing a mix of emotions from awestruck to frustrated.
"How did he do that?" Hannah asked.
"He's Sherlock Holmes dear, he could tell you your life story by looking at your shoes." Sighing you started making introductions pointing out each person. "This is Hannah Bella, Isaac Thomas, Greg Lestrade, John Waston and," You gave a flourish of your hand, "The great Sherlock Holmes." After the introductions you moved so everyone could get to know eachother.
Isaac stuck out his hand and they all shook hands. Each nodding and saying hello. You didn't notice when he squeezed Sherlock's hand just tight enough to leave an intimidating impression. Sherlock being Sherlock shrugged it off unimpressed, "Thanks for confirming my thoughts."
Shaking his head in his disapproval then he pulled Sherlock close to talk. "(Y/N) and I are just friends nothing in our past effects that, now stop being jealous or whatever it is you're being." Leaving Sherlock confused he stood back like nothing happened.
Hannah swooped in and started pacing around Sherlock presumably making her own deductions. Then she grabbed his hand in a tight hold and vigorously shook his hand. "It's an absolute pleasure to meet you Mr.Sherlock." Here she started to whisper. "You know you are totally (Y/N)'s type, I've seen her fall for guys that are pretty smart before. Though they weren't as smart as you because you're a total genius. I feel as her best friend I should warn you that if you break her heart I will without hesitation break every bone in your body." After that she let go of his hand to go glomp you again, leaving him even more confused and slightly blushing.
You obviously didn't notice that either one of your friends threatened Sherlock, all you could do was bathe in the happiness that they're presence was bringing you. Hannah just had to talk though. "Ya know (Y/N) you've always been one to make friends quickly but I never thought you'd ever make friends out of the great stone faced Sherlock Holmes."
Before Sherlock could object you just giggled and went over hugging his arm, "Well that's what happens when you experience a life and death situation with a person."
Sherlock decided there was no point in agruing in that moment and just nodded his head. He couldn't let go that Hannah seemed to know all about him though. "Why do you act if you know me?"
Hannah sat on the edge of your desk and just smiled at him. "You're famous in my line of work sir. Though I will admit I never thought I'd get to meet you in person. Did you Isaac?" Isaac shook his head in agreement.
Lestrade who everyone seemed to forget until now. "So let me get this straight you two are basically spies for the American government or something or other."
Sherlock rolled his eyes and frustratedly said, "Yes it's obvious Rosie could figure it out even with her limited vocabulary. How else would (Y/N), a now know hacker in our little group, know these people?"
Here you had to intercede to correct Sherlock. "Actually we're all childhood friends Sherlock, though I can neither confirm nor deny if they're spies or not. If I was to say anything about that kinda thing I would say that I was the brains," you gestured to yourself, "Isaac was the brawns," He cracked his knuckles for emphasis causing you to giggle just a tad. "And Hannah was the Beauty with the blades." You kinda gathered in a little formation after that explanation, Hannah still sat on your desk, You sat behind the computer and Isaac off to the side a little giving off an atmosphere of seriousness.
John snorted and started laughing. "We're never going to meet normal people are we?"
Sherlock smirked, "No it appears not."
Hannah smiled and Isaac gave a ghost of a smile then spoke to Lestrade. "Don't worry about us causing trouble we're just staying the night to make sure (Y/N) got settled in alright."
At that you jumped up, "Oh my goodness it can be like a slumber party, Sherlock, John you have to come to and bring Rosie it'll be so much fun." Bouncing in excitement you looked at them expectantly.
Isaac cleared his throat and said, "I've learned that it's better to just go along with her crazy ideas." You pouted at this remark.
Hannah came to your defense, "Hey the last quote unquote crazy idea she had turned out to be pretty awesome."
Isaac seemed to nod in agreement. So you turned your attention back to your two would be guests with big puppy dog eyes. "Pretty please, I promise they'll be decent entertainment."
John shrugged as if it was no big deal, "Sure I'm in."
Sherlock had to think about it for a second though. He came to the conclusion that if he could talk more with your closest companions then maybe he'd be able to deduce something about you. Tentively he responded with, "Maybe if I solve the case Lestrade has for me in time."
Taking that as a yes you jumped in jubilation and hugged Sherlock, "Yay you're going to have so much fun!" With that you said bye then grabbed Hannah's hand and ran out the door to go start making plans. Leaving behind a blushing mess of Sherlock, a smug Isaac, a confused Lestrade and an amused John.

Love And Hate Are One And The Same No? A Sherlock x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now