Snow White

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There was a black goo that surrounded you as you struggled to wake up. It seemingly sucked you in more as you moved. Finally you gave up and just floated.
After a while you heard a voice calling your name, it was deep and cocky but not unpleasant, opening your eyes you happened upon, the old fashioned Victorian era Sherlock towering over you nagging.
"I swear I leave for not even 5 minutes and I find you in my chair again!"
It was then you decided it was best to play along, "Well I can't help it your chair is so comfy, plus the fact you don't want me here makes it all the more tempting." Smirking you nuzzle more into the old chair.
Sherlock furrowed his brows, "Why can't you sit in Watson's chair it's far more feminine?"
"Why don't you make me?" You challenged.
"I don't get physical with people in general but for you I'll make an exception considering the fact you are so annoying." It was then he placed his hands on your shoulders and pulled.
You resisted and clung to his chair the best you could but he was by far stronger. Which acted against both of you in the end because when you finally lost your grip it propelled both of you into Watson's chair. Sherlock landed sitting normallyof course but by some cruel (?) fate you landed haphazardly on his lap.
Blowing your hair out of your face as you tried to get up, "Happy now?"
Sherlock's arms circled around your waist and you look at him shocked, his expression seemed smug, "Actually yes I'm quite happy, I got you out of my chair and into my arms. Any sane man would give their left arm to be in a situation like this."
Your heart beat sped up so bad you thought your ribs would crack from the inside out. You had to think of something because this was obviously not real, Sherlock would never say that to you, he would never hold you like this.
That left you two choices, the first being you could continue and see where this leads. The second was you react like a rational human being.
If it wasn't real it wouldn't be worth it, you thought. Frowning you leaned back.
"I suppose you thought that was pretty smooth huh Sherlock?"
"If the term smooth means highly romantic and seductive then yes." He smiled like he was so proud of himself.
"Well it wasn't now let me go before I rip off your arms and beat you with them."
He raised his hands in surrender allowing you to stand up and brush down your skirt.
"Really Holmes there was no call for that."
"A simple joke nothing more," He said as he stood behind you wrapping his arms around your waist and placing his chin on your shoulder, causing you to tense. His breath tickled your ear, "Don't act like you didn't like it," he then began placing kisses on your neck, "I know you did by the shear fact that your pupils dilated."
Escaping from his arms you turned to slap him but he managed to catch it. "Now let's not do that again," he said as he pulled you closer.
You put your other hand on his chest in an attempt to keep some distance between you two, "Ok this needs to stop right this second, why are you acting like this?"
"It's an experiment."
This caused you to stutter as your face flushed, "You-you were flirting with for an experiment?"

"Yes I just said that."
You weren't even mad, you were just hurt to hide this you looked at your feet. In a small voice you asked, "Why?"
"Well considering I'm your subconscious it should be obvious."
With a groan you rubbed your face, "So I'm hallucinating again, and this 'experiment' is probably a way for me to figure out if I'm crushing on Sherlock."
"Yep," Holmes responded popping the P.
"Well it's obvious I'm attracted to the man, most girls would be. But honestly why is brain doing this now? Of all the times to do this I'm probably in a freaking medically induced coma right now."
"Then there really is no better time to do it then. It's best to get emotions under control so they don't control you."
Jerking away from Holmes you started to pace, ranting, "I can't just say yes or no to liking Sherlock or not. I mean yes I want to be close to him but I meant as a friend."
"Meant? Meant would imply past tense."
Turning to glare at him, "Well obviously my brain and heart are thinking two different things aren't they?"
"It would appear so." With a weird sparkle in his eyes Holmes moved to stand in front of you and grabbed your shoulders.
Struggling you ask, "What are you doing?"
"Waking up the princess." He whispered as he leaned forward.
Then you were, quite literally, jerked from the kiss by someone shaking your shoulders.
"(Y/N) (Y/N) wake up," a panicked baritone voice said.
Sitting up abruptly you headbutt the body of the voice. A chorus of pain filled the room but soon died down as you took in the room around you. Obviously you didn't recognize where you were.
Turning your head to the voice you saw that it was the curly head of Sherlock that you accidently hurt.
"Sorry, umm what happened? Where am I?"
"You're in the hospital the doctors gave you medicine to help you sleep, been out a few days with no response. Suddenly you started struggling in your sleep so I shook you to wake you up."
"Where's everyone else?"
"Hannah and Isaac unfortunately had to go back to America. John is home with Rosie. Lestrade will probably want to know that you're awake. He has question, I'll just step out and call him. You should try to sleep."
Before he made to the door you just had to say in a small voice, "Thank you, for staying with me, I have an irrational fear of hospitals."
He flashed you the signature Holmes smirk, "It's really no problem, even with Hannah constantly texting me."
With that he left and you fell back asleep.

Love And Hate Are One And The Same No? A Sherlock x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now