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The living room was very simple in your flat a love seat, coffee table, tv on the mantle and a bamboo tree in the corner. You were typing away at the newest program for a secret website in said room a week after the incident in 221B Baker. When there was a stiff knock on your door thinking nothing of it you continued your work. Then there was a persist knock. Setting the laptop down on the coffee table you went to open the door. Low and behold The Amazingly Great Sherlock Holmes was on your door step.
"John sent me." Was the only answer you got before he strolled in and sat on your love seat.
"Oh." Was your response and you sat down as well. There was a tick tick from the kitchen clock that was adding to the awkward. So to ignore the awkward moment you did the logical thing, you went back to work.
"What are you doing?" Sherlock asked.
You of course not meaning to sounded really stern and sarcastic. "I thought a genius would know what working was Mr.Holmes."
His normal frown deepened. "A normal semi-intelligent person would ask why I was here. Seeing as you haven't maybe your intelligence is like most, lacking a great deal."
"Well considering John sent you he probably finally talked you into apologizing, but seeing as how that is taking you longer then necessary I figured I would do a little work to pass the time."
Sherlock appeared a little perturbed by your words but continued nonetheless. "For someone who speaks of manners you haven't once offered me a cup of tea."
"You are avoiding the main issue Holmes. If you wanted a cup of tea you wouldn't ask for one you would simply go home."
Under his breath you heard, "This is why I hate new people."
"Oh so it's reason number three then. That totally explains it." You bump the butt of your hand onto your forehead like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Number three? What are you going on about?"
"It's simple there's always one of three reasons why someone hates you. One they want to be you aka jealousy. Two they hate themselves. Low self-esteem can really cause bitterness you know. Or three as in your case they see you as a threat. You think I will ruin the dynamic of your little circle of friends just because I'm new and different. Am I wrong?"
"Not entirely no."
You crack a smile, "Well good now that that's established. Would you actually like a cup of tea? It was a bit chilly out there and I'm sure even sitting there in your coat your probably coldish."
His confused face was priceless as he let out a "Yes?"
Getting up you put a pot of water on. "I only have cinnamon tea so if you don't like it just pretend to drink it." You hummed as you set the tea set on a little serving tray.
All while Sherlock snooped through your computer or at least attempted to. He couldn't figure out the passwords to any of the files. He was seriously starting to get frustrated that he couldn't conclude anything about you. It's like you were an ancient puzzle that was impossible to solve and you weren't offering any clues. One second you were defensive then the next you were offering tea with a smile. Though he had to admit you seemed to have the personality of a person normal people would love. From the little conversation you had had with John he trusted you and he already spoke highly of you. Which confused Sherlock to no end. Mrs.Hudson who could gossip about anyone couldn't have nothing but nice things to say about you.
So soon after Mary died came along you were making everyone at Baker Street happy and Sherlock didn't like it. He couldn't figure out why with his great detective skills. Though he had to admit your hypothesis seemed logical.
Another knock was heard as (Y/N) sat down the tray. Sherlock quickly posed like he had done nothing wrong and you went to answer the door.
You gasped "Mycroft? Why are you here?"
"I came for my brother, obviously."

"Brother? Sherlock is your brother? I need to talk with you guy's mom like seriously she didn't teach you guys manners."
Sherlock came behind you and ended up so close that when he spoke it sent shivers down your spine. "Yes she has much to answer for, I have a list. Mycroft has a file I believe."
"Quite right brother now we must go I have a new case for you."
Going out the door following Mycroft Sherlock conversed with Mycroft then, "The answer will probably be no but I'll come listen." Then he turned and nodded at you, "Well good day (Y/N), I'll take that cup of tea next time I'm here."
You nodded back, "I expect the actual apology next time Sherlock." With a ghost of a smile he left. Going back to your love seat you noticed a post it note on your laptop that read, "You shouldn't leave this open I almost cracked the passwords." You smile maybe even a genius can have his down falls because most of your passwords were fandom references.

Love And Hate Are One And The Same No? A Sherlock x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now