Unexpected Visitors

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You awake in Sherlock's bed again this time your head felt fine. Seeing as Sherlock was gone he probably slept somewhere else or didn't sleep at all which was more likely. Seeing that it was only a quarter before 8 you decided that it'd probably be best to still be quiet when you left. So you tip toed out of the bedroom, observing that Sherlock wasn't working on an experiment but there was voices coming from the living room. You came to the conclusion that he had clients so you slipped out into the hallway through the kitchen door. Right as you did that though the front door opened to reveal Sherlock escorting an elderly couple out of the living room. You were a deer in the headlights to say the least.
The woman spoke first to break the tension. "Sherlock who is this lovely looking young lady? Have you been hiding a girlfriend from us?"
Your face automatically broke out in a blush and you tried to deny it but you couldn't put together a sentence. Sherlock seemed to be having the same problem.
The man spoke next, "That would explain why his bedroom door was closed dear."
The woman nodded, she then smiled up at who you assumed was her husband. "Yes you're quite right because he never closes his bedroom door. A terrible habit since he was little." She turned her attention back to you after grabbing your hands she stared straight into your eyes. "Now tell us your name poppet we just have to know who our son is dating." Son? This must be Sherlock's parents, You thought.
Finally you gained some composer but you still studdered, "N-no Mrs.Holmes you have it all wrong. I'm just his down stairs neighbor," pausing you tried to think of an excuse, "H-he just let me stay the night because I got really bad drunk when I ate out with him, Mycroft, and John."
"Now there's no reason for you to fib it's obvious that Sherlock must have some kind of attachment to you because he never shares his bed with anyone." She then turned to Sherlock. "Sherlock how dare you introduce her to Mycroft and not even mention her to us. You know how we worry."
"Your mother really does worry quite often about you." His father injected.
Sherlock finally got released from his stupor and began vigorously shaking his head. "Mum, she's not my girlfriend. She's not even my friend, I've barely known her two weeks, she just happened to help me with a case because her expertise came in handy."
"Yes Sherlock's right I hacked into his computer and figured out his location because he was kiddnapped..." Letting that sentence drift off you realized that you probably shouldn't have mentioned the kidnapping Sherlock's expression seemed to say the same thing as his mother moved to fuss over him. You tried to cover it up though, "It wasn't a real kidnapping though it was just an experiment to see if I could find a missing person by the contents of their computer."
Sherlock nodded, "Yes (Y/N) is right, it was just an experiment so no need to fuss Mum."
"If it wasn't real then why was Mycroft involved?" Mr.Holmes quizzed.
"Because I needed his permission to use some secret databases so I wouldn't get deported back to America." You answered.
"So you're from America?" Mrs.Holmes smiled and grabbed your hands again to drag you past the two men over to the couch. "I've should have known from the accent it's so obvious. Not in a bad way though, dear."
You looked at Sherlock for help he just shrugged as if he couldn't stop his mother if he tried. Then he went to sit in his chair sipping his morning tea.
Sighing you guessed you were on your own."Mrs.Holmes it's very nice to meet you but I really should go, I'm pretty sure I've bothered Sherlock enough for a lifetime."
"Please call me Lydia and my husband is Gregory, there's no need for formalities I'm sure we're going to be as close as family." Sherlock very audibly choked on his tea, but this got ignored by his parents. Or maybe they really didn't notice due to their focus being on you.
Mr.Holmes chided his wife then, "Don't be so open dear you'll scare the poor child." He sat down on the other side of you. Placing his hand on your shoulder in a calming gesture.
"Really Mr. and Mrs.Holmes you'll probably never see me again so there's no need to get to know me."
"Please call us by our first names like my wife suggested. You seem like a very respectful girl a perfect opposite of Sherlock."
"Hey!" Sherlock objected.
"Shush dear your father is talking."
Sherlock hmphed then grabbed his violin and began playing.
"Now tell us how you met Sherlock." Lydia insisted.
"There's not much to tell, he thought I was a client when me and Mrs.Hudson rushed up the stairs to see why there was gun shots right after I confirmed that I was going to rent the flat down stairs." You said then you covered your mouth letting a giggle slip out. "Meeting Mycroft would be a better story." Sherlock's playing stopped for a second then continued as if nothing happened. It appeared that you were the only one that noticed this.
Shaking her head Sherlock's mother sighed. "We've always told Sherlock that he shouldn't use a gun to relieve his boredom. It's extremely dangerous."
"Yes we do it each time we come to visit. " Gregory added.
Lydia started her intergation in full tilt now. "What kind of job do you have (Y/N)? It probably involves computer's because you mentioned that you hacked Sherlock's computer."
"Well I'm a web designer. I design web pages for different companies, that I unfortunately can't name."
"Why? Is it like how Mycrofts job all top secret like?"
You nodded and gave a shy smile, "Yes you could say that."
"From the little we've heard you sound absolutely perfect for our Sherlock, is it possible that we'll get a happy announcement down the road?"
With a screech Sherlock finally put down his violin and intercepted the conversation, "Didn't you say you needed to meet Mycroft for some family bonding things or something of that sort. You best be going now."
His parents objected but still stood up as Sherlock pushed them out the door. As he went to close it his mother stopped it with her foot then gave him a hard stare, "You better treat her right Sherlock. You're not likely to find many girls that will put up with your shenanigans." After she moved her foot he slammed the door and leaned his back against it.
You started to say, "Your parents are," but Sherlock interrupted, "Weird? Strange? Abnormal?"
"Sweet." You finished. Sherlock just looked at you astonished. "What? Do most people say the opposite?"
"Yes they can't seem to figure out how to seemingly normal can have children that are so unnormal."
"Well children never turn out completely like their parents now do they?" You stood up to leave but stopped right in front of Sherlock. "You're blocking the door my friend."
"Oh yes," He moved out of the way. "Also we're not friends."
Opening the door you just smiled at him. "So you say but I think since I saved your life I qualify for the status of friend."
Glaring he gave you a little push out the door. "Don't get a big head (Y/N), John or Mycroft would have saved me."
"No they wouldn't because they never have the guts to sit in your chair." With that you waved and walked down the stairs.
As Sherlock watched you go all he could think about was how obvious it was that his parents absolutely loved you. And that you might have been right about saving his life.

I googled Sherlock's parents names for this. Surprising stuff.....

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