Can I go home yet?

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Two days tops? That's exactly how your doctor phrased it when you asked when you could go home. With that he left and you groaned pulling one of your pillows so it covered your face, muffiling your scream.
"A bit dramatic don't you think?" A sour voice asked.
You let the pillow fall, "Mycroft, now why do I get the pleasure of your company when I'm actually conscious?" An idea of hope came to you. "Are you going make them let me off due to good behavior?"
"No (Y/N) I've came to see if my brother has reviewed the files I left for him."
Nodding your head in Sherlock's direction, "As you can see he's in his mind palace contemplating god knows what." You smile thinking of all the possibilities. "Have you ever thought of what it would be like to have a mind palace Mycroft?"
He straightened his already stiff posture and glanced at his shoes, "Why would I want to do that? His so called mind palace is only a theoretical way of recalling information."
"I think you're just jealous that your mind doesn't work that way." You pull up your legs, wrapping your arms around them, so you can rest your chin on your knees. You winced only slightly at the pressure you were putting on your ribs but chose to ignore the dull pain in the end. To distractt yourself you continue the conversation. "If you think about it it's similar to the way an author creates a world just by using their words."
"It's not like that at all," Sherlock said he must of slipped out of his mind palace due to all the talking. "It's more like I originally created a house to help store my memories but then it grew as I did. Each new level or room is associated with a person or place. I don't necessarily have to create it like I do when I meet people like Donovan or Anderson. John and Rosie have a special wing all their own."
"Brother I did not teach you to have such sentiments." Mycroft sneered, slightly you could see that this effected Sherlock's feelings.
If you weren't bed ridden by the doctors orders you might have strangled the man. "Mycroft it's people like you that shouldn't have intelligence because even with it you are so small minded. John has literally saved Sherlock's life one more then one occasion I say he deserves way more then a freaking wing. But sadly even Sherlock's mind isn't that vast. Now I say you need to apologize to Sherlock for being a dry cupcake of a human being."
"But," he tried to object.
"Now," your voice as stern as it can be.
He just sighed and turned to his brother. In a dead voice said, "I apologize." Then he turned back to you, "There does that appease you?"
"No it needs to actually have feeling and I want it said the way I told you to."
Rolling his eye's with as much sass as the sass god Loki himself, he mumbled under his breath about his power and if you weren't hurt what would happen. But finally after a stare down he said it without looking at his brother, "I'm sorry brother for being a dry cupcake of a human being." With that he promptly left with no fare the wells.
Blinking you stared at the door, before bursting out laughing. "He actually said it I didn't think he would." Wiping the tears from your eyes you notice how quiet Sherlock is so you just barely look at him from the corner of your eye.
He was just smiling the cutest little grin in the world. Your fingers itched to grab a camera to take a picture. Slowly you turned your head to smile at him and you watched as his disappeared.
He then cleared his throat and spoke, "I've never seen anyone one get him to do something like that not even my mum."
Plopping back down on your pillows, "It's a benefit of being the oldest you learn how to deal with situations like that. Plus it teaches you to have authority."
"I'd say it was impressive but then that'd be being 'nice'." Sherlock teased you causing you to pout.
"You're supposed to be nice to me I'm hurt and in the hospital."
"Now what would be the fun in that? I say that you deserve a little torment having everyone run all over London looking for you."
"It wasn't 'all over London' I mainly just had you running around my apartment looking for my laptop."
"Speaking of why did you pick that as your password?"
"Slow poke Rodriguez?"

"Because I've always found it funny how he was super slow but still managed to always get to any place before speedy."
He hummed at this and then sat back placing his hands in a praying gesture. Leaving you in a more then comfortable silence as you fell asleep.

Sorry guys I'm cutting this one a little short I wanted to publish it sooner but work and illness got in the way. I missed the chance to publish it on the anniversary. I'm working on a way to make it up to you guys though.
Hint: How do you guys like soulmate aus? 😉
Remember to leave comments I'll always respond. Have a lovely day my fellow high functioning sociopaths!

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