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*the next day*

Brooklyn🙈: guys, what are we doing today?

Mikey👾: your mum i think

Me: WHAT? 😂😭

Andy🌵: we're a weird band, don't worry! 😂

Me: band?

Andy🌵: has no one told you? We're a boy band 😂

Me: what are you guys called?

Brooklyn🙈: RoadTripTv 😊

Me: i gotta google ya's be brb!

Jack🍀: im the youngest!

Me: okay... And I've never heard of you, sorry but you're really good!

Mikey👾: thanks!

Me: i just realised something, i never asked where you guys live?
That sounded creepy, sorry! 😂

Brooklyn🙈: we're from all over the place but we all live together near London

Me: ohhh! I live in Brighton!

Jack🍀: I've always wanted to go to Brighton!

Me: you should come and visit soon!

Jack🍀: i would but we're super busy!

Andy🌵: we have time off soon though! I finally get to see my mum again! Not that you guys arent my family ❤

Jack🍀: yeah but i have to go back to Ireland!

Me: you're Irish?

Jack🍀: yeah! Why?😂

Me: Omg! I love the Irish accent! Its so cute!🙈

Jack🍀: are you calling me cute?

Me: maybe...

Rye🐝: Aww! You cant see this Ella but jacks blushing proper hard 😂

Me: haha! Sorry jack! 🙈❤


Mikey👾: chill out jack!

Me: Okay! Night you crazy guys!

Andy🌵: night! ❤

Brooklyn🙈: night gorgeous!❤

Jack🍀: night ❤

Mikey👾: night! ❤

Rye🐝: night everyone! 🐝❤

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