Twenty Nine

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Ella's POV:

I woke up to my phone ringing. It was Harvey saying i had to be downstairs in the next ten minutes. I quickly got out of bed and put on some leggings and a Jacks jumper because it smelt like him. I shoved my hair into a pony tail and headed down to the reception. 

"There you are! Did you forget we were filming the video today?" Harvey asked when he saw me. "What? No! My alarm didnt go off." I replied. We walked to the uber and he took us to the location we were filmimg it. It was a school we were using. When we got there i was taken to hair and makeup. The lady applied a very nutral makeup look and curled my hair.  Whilst my hair was being done, Blair came in and told me about the video. "So, in the video, Harvey likes you and is trying to impress you. You get together and then he sees you with another guy, then you have a dance battle in the corridor. Okay?" I nodded. It was kind of weird randomly bursting into a dance battle but i was cool with it. Once i was done, i went and found Harvey so we could start filming.

It was weird having to pretend to Harveys girlfriend because in dating his best friend. Jack, i miss him. We havent spoken since i left and since the argument and its been weird.

"5, 6, 7, 8... No, no, no! Do it again!" Blair shouted. We had almost finished filming and i was so tired. We had to shoot it until everything was perfect which was understandable but extremely tiring. Me and loren had also gotten really close too.

When we were finally done everyone went out for a meal. Cast and crew! We took up half of the resturant but who cares! We were having fun. Half way through, Harvey pulled me away from everyone else so he could talk to me.

"Have you spoken to Jack yet?" He asked. I shuck my head no. "What? Why?" He questioned. "I dont know, we've been really busy. Anyway we go home tomorrow night so its fine!" I stated and went back to join everyone else as did Harvey. Or was i going home tomorrow night?

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