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(A/N: i know winter wonderland isnt in Brighton! ❤)

Ella's POV:

We'd just finished our meal in Nandos. "What are we gonna do today?" Rye asked. "Erm. We could go to winter wonderland!" I suggested. "Yeah! I've never been before!" Jack said. We got up to leave and headed to winter wonderland.

We got about half way there when i saw her. Brittany. Oh god! Im with 5 boys she's never seen before! She's gonna think something's going on! I stopped walking and attempted to hide behind Jack but it was too late, she'd seen me. "Ella! How nice to see you!" She was with a group of people from school. I was stood in front of the boys. "Who are these Els?" The name made me shudder. "Erm. I- They're my friends." I said quietly. She took a step closer to me and whispered in my ear 'you don't have friends and your secret? That's not secret anymore' and walked off. "Nice seeing you!" She said flicking her hair and all the others she was with laughed.

I turned to look at the boys. A tear rolled down my cheek and i ran away. I didn't want them to see me like this. I was a mess, like always. I ran to the park that was near by and hid by a bush. I wanted to die.

Jacks POV:

We were walking to winter wonderland when someone Ella knew stopped to say hello. She seemed like Ella's friend. "Who are these Els?" She said looking at us. "Erm. I- They're my friends." Ella said quietly. Something's not right and i have a feeling she's involved. She took a step closer to Ella and said something. I didn't hear what she said but what ever it was, it made Ella upset, very upset. Ella ran away from us. We all stood there confused. "What just happened?" Rye questioned. "I have no idea but we need to find her!" I shouted in response. I started running in the same direction that she did. "We'll go look too! Call us if you find her!" Andy shouted.

I was looking for about ten minutes when i got to a park. I've lost her! I soon heard gentle sobs coming from near a bush. "Ella?" I said quietly. I walked closer and saw her sitting on the floor in a ball crying her eyes out. "Thank god I've found you!" I said relieved. I sat down next to her and pulled her into a hug. She put her head on my chest and just cried. "Ella, whats happened?" I asked stroking her hair. She just looked up at me. And didn't say anything. Just burst out into more tears. I grabbed my phone and text the group chat.

Me🍀: found her! We're at the park. Please get here asap!

"Ella, please tell me whats wrong?" I said. I needed to know. It was upsetting me not knowing what was going on. Patience isn't my strength, i just wanna talk to her and find out whats going on.

Ella's POV:

"If i tell you, promise you wont tell anyone else?" I stuttered. I might as well tell him. I trust him. "That girl," i looked down avoiding any eye contact. "She isn't my friend. She's the reason i don't have friends. She's my bully. We used to be best friends when we were little but ever since year 8 she's hated me. There was a new girl in our class and the teacher asked me to look after her. And because i was with her, she got mad at me and kept saying I was leaving her out. So ever since year 8 she started pushing me out and then started making rumours up about me so that no one would want to be with me, she said it was all my fault and that i shouldn't have left her. Ever since then, i automatically assume everythings my fault. Everyday at school she makes my life hell. She pushes me, slams me into lockers and she pushed me down the stairs the other day." Wow. I never thought id tell anyone that. I looked up at him. He didn't say anything just hugged me tighter.

We sat there hugging for about 5 minutes when the rest of the guys came and sat next to us. "What happened?" Andy said sitting next to me. I looked at Jack and shook my head no. He was rubbing my back trying to calm me down. "It doesn't matter now. Are we gonna go to winter wonderland or just sit here?" I said getting up and the boys all followed. Nothing is gonna ruin the rest of the day.

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