Twenty One

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Ella's POV:

"Its mum! She- she," Brook stuttered. I ran to the ward and Brook and Jack followed me. I went to the room where mum was and a doctor was standing outside her room. "Miss smiths daughter? We have some news. Could you follow us to the family room please?" I grabbed Brook and Jacks hand and followed the doctor to the room.

"We are really sorry but your mum hasn't made it and passed away. We tried everything we could but nothing worked. We are sorry for your loss. Would you like to say a proper goodbye?" The doctor said with sorrow in his eyes. It had happened. The day I'd been dreading. I nodded my head. And followed him into the room. The boys said they'd wait outside so I could have some privacy.

I walked into the room that my mum was in. I sat next to her and took her hand in mine. Her hand was cold and pale. "Mum, I know you're not going to hear this but I love you. We haven't had many good memories but I love you endlessly. I'm going to miss you so much and i have no idea what I'm going to do without you now but I'll figure something out. I'm not going to say much more because there's not really any point. For the last time, goodbye mum." I kissed her forehead and left the room.

Jack and Brooklyn were waiting outside for me. I immediately ran into Jacks arms and cried. Brook rubbed my back in order to calm me but nothing would work. I was hurt too much. "Come on, lets go home." Jack suggested. "Home? I don't have one anymore." I cried. "Yes you do! If you don't want to stay at yours you can stay with us. You're not being on your own for Christmas and we go home in tomorrow anyway." Brook said. I looked up and nodded. "Would Blair be okay with that?" I asked. "Under the circumstances, I think he would be!"

I looked at mum for the last time and we left the hospital. We stopped at my house first so i could get some clothes and i could have a shower. I packed a bag and went into my mums room. I grabbed one of her hoodies. It still smelled like her. I put it on and we made our way to the boys' flat.

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