Twenty Seven

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(A/N: GCSE's are exams in England and they are really important also ive never been to an airport or on a plane so dont judge)

Ella's POV:


I couldnt sleep. I'd gotten barely any sleep all night. I got out of Jacks bed without disturbing him and went to the kitchen for a drink. I walked in and Blair and Harvey were in there talking. "Sorry, i didn't realise anyone was in here. Can i get a glass of water please?" "Its fine. Yeah of course you can." Blair said. "I dont know where we could find anyone else though Harv, it needs to be done asap. We leave in an hour!" Blair told Harvey. I was kind of confused but just ignored it. "Well, erm," Harvey started, "Ella, you dont know any dancers do you?" Harvey asked me. "Erm, i took dance for my GCSE's, why?" Blair's and Harvey's eyes lit up. "Perfect! Ella can do it!" Blair replied. "Do what?" I questioned. "Harvey's music video. Okay, pack a bag and make sure you have your passport, we leave in 50 minutes!" Blair said looking at his watch.  "Where are we shooting it?" "LA!" Harvey said and they both left the kitchen. Wait, I'm flying to LA? To shoot a music video? In the next 50 minutes?

I ran into the boys room and packed all my things; making sure i had my passport. I wasnt going to turn down this offer. I didn't wake Jack up to tell him. I couldn't. Not after last night. I wrote a note instead and left it in the kitchen. I grabbed my bag and one of Jacks jumpers and went to the landing where Blair and Harv were. "Ready?" Blair asked. I nodded. We went into the taxi and drove to the airport. I cant believe I'm leaving. I wont be gone long, but still. 

When we finally got on the plane, i started to get nervous. I've never been on a plane before. I was sat next to the window and Harvey as  Blair was in business class sorting everything out. "Harv, I didn't tell Jack." I said as the plane took off. No going back now. "What? Why? He's going to be so worried!" Harvey replied shocked. "Well when we got back last night, we sort of had an argument. It was my fault and i don't wanna talk about it. I did write him a note though!" Harvey didn't reply. Just looked at me then away. I've messed up. Great! I watched a movie and slept for the rest of the flight as we would arrive in LA at 14:00.

Jacks POV:

I woke up at 11am and there was no sign of Ella. "Ella?" I shouted and it woke Rye up. "Huh?" Rye said as he rubbed his eyes. I looked at the floor where Ella usually keeps her bag but it wasn't there. She's gone. Was it because of our argument? I grabbed my phone to call her but it went straight to voicemail. Oh no! "Jack, you okay man?" Rye questioned. "No, Ella's gone. Her bags gone and her phone is going straight to voicemail!" I replied getting stressed. "Why would she leave though? And where would she have gone?" He asked. "Me and Ella sort of had a fight last night. It wasn't too serious; well i didn't think it was." I answered looking at the floor. Why would she leave? 

I called her again. And again. And again. But i still got no reply. I went into the kitchen to grab a drink when i saw a piece of paper. Its said:

'To Jack,
As you read this, i will be on an airplane on my way to LA with Harvey and Blair to film his music video. I know that its such short notice but it just happened. Im sorry about last night too. Love you baby. See you soon.
Ella xx '

"Rye! She's on her way to LA! We cant stop her either. I've messed everything up!"

Follow my insta roadtriptvbanter 🌵❤

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