Twenty Two

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Jack's POV:

We got back to the flat about 3:30pm. I'd secretly texted Andy to let him know that we were on our way and that she'd passed away. He saw the message but didnt reply. I unlocked the door and I went in first. Ella hadnt spoken the entire journey. As soon as we walked into the appartment, Andy, Mikey, Rye, Harvey, Blair and Ginger were all waiting in the bedroom for us. When Ella walked in, she went and hugged Andy and started to cry again. I felt so sorry for her. "Blair, can i have a word please?" He nodded and followed me out of the room.

"Would it be okay if Ella stayed here until we all go home for christmas?" I questioned. "Of course it is Jack. Who will she be staying with when you go home though?" He replied. "I'm not sure, ill ask her." he nodded and we went back into the room. Ella was now sitting on the sofa so i sat next to her. "Hey gorgous, who are you going to go home with for christmas?" I said quietly. "Erm. Im not sure. Ill probably stay with Brook you know."

I looked down hoping she would've stayed with me. "Jack, you okay?" She asked. "Yeah, i just thought you would've stayed with me." I replied. "Jack i would but i need to be with my family. I've never met my dad and I've just lost my mum." She said as a tear rolled down her face. "Hey, dont cry. Its okay. I understand." I comforted her.  I pulled her onto my lap and cradled her like a baby. She started to cry on my shoulder even more but I didn't care. I loved Ella to pieces and i would got to the end of the world for her.

Ella soon fell asleep and Brooklyn decided to do a As he got further into the, he got louder. "Brook, be quiet! Ella's asleep!" I whisper yelled so that i didn't wake Ella. "Sorry man!" He said as he continued the Once he'd finished he came and sat next to me. "You know when you mentioned Ella the comments went crazy 'cause the fans still dont know. When are you gonna tell them?" That was a good question. I hadn't thought of that. "Soon." I replied simply. He nodded his head and walked off. Before i knew it i was also asleep.

Sorry this is such a short chapter 😙
Follow my insta ~ Roadtriptvbanter ❤

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