Twenty Three

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Ella's POV:

Its the 22nd of December. I woke up cuddled into Jacks arms. We must have both fallen asleep on the sofa as that's where we woke up. Today is the day i meet my real dad for the first time. I jumped off Jacks lap and looked in the massive mirror above. I had tear stains all down my checks from yesterday. I went into the bathroom and washed my face when i felt someone's arms around my waist. Immediately assuming it was Jack I turned round and hugged him tightly.

When i looked up, i was shocked as too who i saw. It wasnt Jack. It was Rye. I quickly pulled away from the hug until i was stuck. My back hit the sink and i was trapped between the sink and Rye. "Rye, Im sorry i thought you were Jack. I-" I went to walk out but Rye shut the door and stood in front of it. "Rye, can i, urm, leave please?" I asked getting worried.

Claustrophobia getting the better of me, i needed to find an escape. "Yeah, you can go," He said "But just know, i always get what i want." I walked out and he closed the door behind me so he was still in the bathroom. What on earth just happened? What does he mean 'he always gets what he wants'?

When i went back into the bedroom, the rest of the boys were awake. "Hey, where were you?" Jack asked pulling me onto his lap. I sat next to him though. He looked confused but it soon faded into a smile. "I was in the bathroom." I replied. He nodded and pulled me in for a hug. "What are we doing today?" Brook said. "Well we need to tidy up because were going home tonight." Andy replied. "Would it be okay if i went to Windsor for a bit? I need to get you all a Christmas present." I wondered. "You don't need to get us anything!" Mikey chuckled. "I do. You've all let me stay here. I need to get Blair and ginger something too." I stated. "You don't!" Mikey argued. "Im going to get you all something anyway!" I said getting up and going over to my suitcase to find some clothes. I decided on some black skinny jeans and a big baggy jumper. As i stood up to go and get changed, rye walked in. We caught eye contact and i immediately looked down. I went to the bathroom and got changed.

I walked back into the bedroom and grabbed my bag. "I'll see you later. Ill be about an hour, an hour and half?" "Okay gorgeous, don't be too long!" Jack said. He kissed me goodbye and i left. I walked down the road and waited for the bus. The bus came and the journey was short. I was soon in Windsor and i was looking round the shops trying to find things to get them.

I had gotten Andy something for his guitar, Mikey some T-shirts, Rye loads of chocolate and Brooklyn some trainers. I'd also got my dad, Blair and ginger a box of chocolate each because i had no idea what to get them. I was looking for something for Jack. I was so stuck on what to get him so i decided to get him a ring and a necklace.

On my way back, what happened this morning with Rye popped back into my head. What did he mean by what he said? I got back to the flat and the boys were all cleaning up. I said a quick hello and I went into Blair's room and wrapped all there presents then headed to the main room. "Okay, what can I do?" I asked. "You don't need to do anything!" Andy laughed. "I do! I've been here too so i should clean up help." "Erm... Could you wash up maybe?" Brooklyn said. I nodded and headed to the kitchen to clean the dishes.

When i was half way through washing up, Rye walked in. He went to the fridge to find something to eat then turned to look at me. "You look gorgeous" Rye whispered. "Rye, what do you mean?" I asked. "You look beautiful. I dont know How could that be any clearer!" He chuckled. "I didn't mean it like that. What did you mean this morning when you said you always get what you want?" I asked, putting everything down. "I like you, Ella! But i know i cant have you!"

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