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Ella's POV:

"I'm sorry, your mother is in a really bad way. We are trying everything we can to keep her stable. We will let you know as soon as possible if anything changes." The doctor stated and left the room. We'd been moved from the corridor to family room as it was more quiet and just in case there was bad news. Brooklyn pulled me into a hug and a tear rolled down my cheek. "She'll be okay, she's strong." Brooklyn comforted me. "She's not though, is she? She's a recovering alcoholic! She's probably drank herself into this. She's probably still drinking knowing her but she's doing it secretly!" I screamed at Brooklyn. I pushed him away and just stared at him. I wasn't mad at him. Non of this was his fault, I was just really upset.

I didn't say anything else. I just got up and left. I needed air. I couldn't concentrate. Id been in that hospital waiting for about 7 hours. I left the ward that my mum was on and made my way downstairs to the exit. I left the hospital and found a bench near by. I sat there with my head in my hands. I shouldn't have snapped at Brooklyn. I should still be there in case something happens. But instead im sitting outside on a bench.

Jacks POV:

As soon as Ella left, Brooklyn went after her but i grabbed his arm and pulled him to a stop. "Brook, give her a minute. She needs to calm down bro. She's just upset." He nodded and went back into the room. I sat next to him and my phone went off.

Andy 🌵: Hey, how is everything? Any news? Give our love to Ella and Brooklyn xxx

Me🍀: Hey man! And not great, something's happened and they are trying to keep her stable. I think its hit Ella pretty hard. Ill keep you update xx

"Im going to check on Ella. Ill be back in a bit." I told Brooklyn. He nodded his head and i walked out. He hasn't said much since we got here to be honest. I left the hospital and looked for Ella. She was sat on a bench with her head in her hands. "Hey princess." I said softly. She just looked up at me. I sat next to her and she immediately put her head on my chest and started to cry. "Im so sorry," she sobbed. "What for?" "For shouting and for constantly cryi-" we were cut off by Brooklyn rushing over to us. "Brook?" I said questioningly. "Its mum..."

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