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Ella's POV:

I woke up in Jacks arms. Wait how did- I shot up and felt a pain in my head near my eyebrow. The memories of last night came flooding back. I was lying next to a shirtless Jack. I wearing my uncomfortable clothes from yesterday and Rye was asleep in his bed. I flopped back down next to Jack and must have woken him up. "Good morning gorgeous!" He said in his sexy morning voice. I turned to face him. "Good morning handsome." I replied giggling. "Get a room!" Rye mumbled. We all started laughing.

We all got ready, technically i was already ready but i brushed my hair with Jacks brush and teeth with one of the free toothbrushs you get in hotels. I went back to find Jack who was packing his bag. They were going back to slough today which meant i would have to go home. Also, non of the boys other than Rye know me and Jack are a thing.

(A/N: don't know if you get free toothbrushs in hotels, I've never been to one!)

As i walked back into the room, the rest of the boys were in the room getting ready to leave. "Ella?" Brooklyn said confused. "That's me!" I replied slightly smiling. I guess they didn't know i was there. "What happened to your face? Are you okay?" Andy asked pulling me into a hug. I pulled away and looked at Jack and nodded. They're gonna find out sooner or later. I sat on the edge of Jacks bed. "You sure?" He asked sitting next to me and holding me hand. "Might as well, they're gonna find out anyway."

I explained everything. Dad leaving before i was born, mum being an alcoholic, Brittany, last night but then Jack and i hesitated to tell them about us. We're going to keep it a secret until Blair knows "Where are you gonna go?" Andy questioned. "Erm, im not sure. I've got enough money to get a hotel for tonight." I said. "You could always stay with us. Blair's in LA and doesn't come home for another week and a bit. What he doesn't know wont kill him." Rye said looking up from his phone. "That's not a bad idea. What will you do about clothes and stuff though?" Jack queried. "What time is it?" I questioned. "10:34 am." Rye announced. "Mums out! She goes out with her friend everyday from 10-11am! We need to be quick though! I can get my things and we can head back to yours!"

We all clambered into the van and and i sat at the back next to Jack. I told Darren (their tour manager) where i lived and he dropped me off outside. I got out the car and Jack followed me. "Where are you going?" I asked him. "With you just incase she's in!" He said in defence. I opened the door and made sure she wasnt in. I ran upstairs and grabbed a bag. I rammed as many clothes in as i could and got my essentials like hair stuff and body stuff.

Jack grabbed my bag and we went back to the van. I left a quick note for my mum. 'Not that you care but I've left. Sorry for being such a disappointnent. I don't know when i'll be back either. ~ Ella x'

We got back in the van and began our drive to Slough. The drive was long but i slept on Jack most of the way so it didn't really feel that long. When we arrived at the flat i put my bag near Jacks bed. "Where am i sleeping?" I wondered. "You can sleep with me!" Jack said and winked at me. The boys all looked at us wondering if something was going on; which it was. "Ella, you've never told us! Whats your last name?" Mikey asked. "Wyatt!" I replied.

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