Thirty Three

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Jack's POV:

* A few days later *

We had a photoshoot today and i wasnt looking forward to it. My eyes were red and puffy so you could tell I'd been crying for the past few days. Ive not eaten much either. I guess being away from Ella has gotten rid of my appetite too. I miss her like crazy.

We got to where the photoshoot was taking place and were taken into a massive room where hair and makeup were being done along with the outfits. I put on a smile and made it look like i actually wanted to be there and not in LA.

About half way through the photoshoot we had a break where we could eat and have a drink. But i didn't. I just sat there on my phone. "I need the toilet." I announced and made my way to the bathroom but before i could get there, my head started spinning and my vision went blurry. "Jack?" I heard someone say. I couldn't make out who it was. The next thing i knew, i was lying on the floor unconscious.

Andy's POV:

We had a photoshoot today. We were currently on a lunch break. Everyone was eating except Jack. He hasn't eaten much over the last 4 days. I think he's missing Ella alot more than he's letting on. He got up to go to the bathroom and didn't look steady. "Jack?" I shouted but he didn't respond. Instead he dropped to the floor, hitting his head on the table as he did so. "Jack!" I shouted even louder as i rushed to his side. The rest of the boys and Blair soon followed and we were soon crowded round a lifeless Jack. "Call an ambulance!" Blair shouted and i did as i was told.

I hate waiting. We stopped the photoshoot and have arranged it for another day. Jack is more important. We had been waiting for 5 hours and Jack still hadn't woken up or shown any signs of improvement. Mikey was getting really restless too. Him and Jack definitely have the closest bond in the band and i think he'd be lost if anything happened to Jack. "Guys, im sorry, i cant be here right now. Im going to see my family." Mikey said as he left the room. I told you he would be lost without him.

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