Twenty Four

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(A/N: I know Brooklyn has different siblings IRL but this is a fan fiction so its not true! Well some of its true!)

Ella's POV:

"I like you, Ella! But i know i cant have you!" Rye explained. Does he not want me and jack together? "But im with Jack and i love him. Rye i cant and wont be with you! I'm sorry, it just cant happen!" I said trying not to raise my voice so that Jack wouldnt hear. Jack would go mad if he knew. Rye looked at the floor; he looked so upset. "I understand that. Look, im sorry for this morning, it should never have happened and i regretted it as soon as I'd said it! Please dont tell Jack though, it could ruin the band." He explained. Rye's right. It could ruin the band. "I wont if you wont. Lets just forget this ever happened." I said smiling. He nodded in agreement. I pulled him into a quick hug and we soon went back to normal. Rye went back to painting the bathroom with Jack and Andy, Mikey was editing and Brook and i cleaned up.

We were mainly all finished by 17:30 so we chilled for a bit as none of us would see each other for a few weeks, obviously I'd see brooklyn but that doesnt count. Mine and brooklyns dad was coming to pick us up at 19:00 and was also giving Jack a lift to the airport. "I know its not much but i bought you all something!" I went into Blair's room and got all their presents and handed their presents to them. Just as i was done, our dad text and said he was outside. This was it. i was finally meeting my dad. We said are goodbye to the boys and grabbed our bags to leave. We headed down the stairs and Brooklyn opened the door. As soon as he saw our dad he ran over to him "Dad! I've missed you!" He exclaimed. "I've missed you too Brookie! So, this must be my little girl?" He asked looking at me. I nodded. "Come here!" He said pulling me into a hug.

We all put our stuff in the back and Brook sat in the front and i sat in the back of the car with Jack until we got to the airport. When we got to the airport, me, Brook and Jack went inside to say goodbye whilst dad stayed in the car so we had to be quick. "Gonna miss you bro! See you soon!" Brooklyn said as he hugged Jack. Jack and brook finished their hug and i ran into Jacks arms. "I'm going to miss you so much! Thank you for being there for me when i needed you most!" i said as i thought of the time he stayed with me in hospital because of my mum. "Hey its okay. I'd be a bad boyfriend if i didn't. If you need me text me, okay?" i nodded and he kissed my forehead. "I love you." He said. Neither of us have said 'I love you' yet. "I love you too." i replied. i gave him one last kiss on the lips as Brook walked away.

We got back in the car and Brooklyn sat in the back with me. The journey to back to Brooklyn's is about an hour "So, Ella. Hows your mum?" I looked at Brooklyn. "She, erm, she died yesterday. She had cancer but they couldnt do anything about it because they found it to late." I said looking down. Brooklyn put his arm around me to comfort me. "Oh. I'm so sorry, i had no idea." "Its okay." I replied. I didnt really talk much the rest of the journey. 

When we got to Brooks it was 20:03. We walked in and was greeted by Brooklyns step mum and two children; one boy who looked about 5 and a girl about 13.  "Brooklynnnn!" she shouted. She ran into his arms with a massive smile on her face. "Hey Char! I've missed you!" Brook said. He pulled away from me hug and went to the little boy. "Hey little man!" He said picking him up. "Ella, this is my step mum Sarah, my other little sister, Charlotte and my little brother Tyler." He pointed them all out individually. I guess they where my new siblings too. "Hi im Ella, im Brooklyn's sister." I said shyly. "Wait, so i finally have a sister?" Charlotte asked me. "I guess!" She ran into my arms and hugged me shouting 'Finally! I hate being the only girl around here!'

Sorry if this has gotten kinda boring but i have an amazing idea that could change everything so stay tuneddd!
Follow my insta ~ roadtriptvbanter ❤

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