Thirty Five

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Ella's pov:

"Mikey?" I questioned. I didn't believe he was standing in my door way. "That's me." I couldn't keep it in anymore and i ran and jumped straight into his arms. "Oh my gosh! Mikey! I've missed you so much!" I was practically crying at this point. I'd missed them all so much. That was when Blake walked out of the bathroom.

"Babe, who's this?" The name made me shudder. I dropped out of Mikey's arms but stood next to him instead. "Im not your 'babe' and this is Mikey!" I explained. "Is Mikey your boyfriend? Wait, when did you meet? Are you cheating on me?" He said raising his voice. "What? No! Mikey's my best friend, he's from England and we arent dating! Im dating Ja-" I stopped myself. I wasn't dating Jack, we broke up. "You still like him don't you?" Mikey whispered to me so Blake couldn't hear. I just nodded.

"You actual slut!" Blake shouted. "What?" I choked out with tears forming in my eyes. "Out of all the things you could've said, your dumb mouth had to say the complete wrong thing. Out of everything, Ella is most certainly not a slut! I've known Ella a lot longer than you have mate. " Mikey Jumped in. "I'm not your mate." Blake said sternly. "You're right. You're nothing but dirt to me. Ella is one of the strongest and most brave people i know." Mikey stated. "How is she? What has she done that's been so brave? Is it that she's flown from England on her own? Wow! So brave!" He said sarcastically. He doesn't know anything that I've been through the past few weeks. But i feel like that's gonna change.

"Her mum died. There! Im sorry if you didn't wanna tell him Ella but im not having him chatting shit about you after everything you've been through the past couple of weeks." Mikey said hugging me. I started to cry. All the memories of mum came back. Good and bad memories. Blake just stood there in shock. "Ella? Why didn't you tell me?" He asked. "Because i knew you wouldn't care and we've known each other about 6 days!" I replied.

"You still should've told me! Do you know how selfish that is?" He said. "Selfish? Keeping my dead mum a secret from you is selfish?" I screamed at him. Mikey knew i was about to hit him so wrapped his arms around me, almost like he was restraining me. "Get out." Mikey said stroking my hair. "No." "Get out, now!" He said louder. He didn't reply, just left, finally.

"So how come you're here?" I asked after a while. We were currently lying on my bed cuddled up. "I needed to tell you something but it had to be said in person." I started to get worried. "Its Jack. He's in a coma. He hadn't been eating or sleeping since you left and he fainted at our photoshoot and hit his head off the table and knocked himself unconscious. But on the way out here i got a message from Andy saying he's in a coma. That's the reason i came out. The boys think im visiting family. Look, Ella, you need to come home. Its not the same without you. Jack needs you! The boys need you! Brooklyn needs you! We all need you!" I was crying. I still loved Jack with all my heart. This couldn't be happening!

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