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*Four weeks later*

Ella's POV:

So today's the day i meet the boys. We've been talking for the past seven weeks now. They still don't know about my mum and they don't know about Brittany but its fine now because I've left school. Hopefully I'll never see her again.

The venue is only down the road from my house and the doors open at 1pm for VIP but the show doesn't start till about 2:30pm. Im nervous to meet them. What if they don't recognise me? What if they don't like me?

I decided id make an effort today. I showered and wash my hair. I decided to curl my hair today. It took forever but it actually looked okay. I put a bit more makeup on than usually. Not too much. Just foundation, concealer, power, mascara, bronzer and a lip balm. Now for the outfit.

I chose my dark blue high waisted jeans and my adidas crop top. Ill probably buy a jumper whilst im there. I grabbed my fully charged phone, my portable charger and my bag with my purse in.

I headed downstairs and my mum wasnt in. Oh. Strange. I wrote a note saying: 'Gone out, don't know what time ill be back! ~ Els x' not that she'll care. I grabbed my keys and left.

Even though its December, it wasn't that cold. I made my way to the venue and had to wait for a bit as i was too early. "Hey, you on your own?" A girl about my age asked. She was with someone else who was a bit younger than her. "Yeah!" I said kinda shyly. "You can stay with us if youd like, im Nella and this is my little sister Charlotte." She said politely. "Thank you, im Ella. Have you met the boys before?" I was curious, i wanted to know what they were like. "I have, they are so sweet. This is Charlotte's first time meeting them because she's been too young!" (A/N: i know there's no age limit)

"Aww, are you excited Charlotte?" I asked her. She looked about 8 and was very cute. She didn't say anything , just nodded her head and jumped up and down. "So, how long have you been a roadie for Ella?" "About three months." I smiled. I couldn't tell her the real reason im here. I couldn't tell her I've not been a roadie for very long, we've only just met.

The doors soon opened and it was time to go in. I wanted to be one of the last people at the VIP so i decided to go to the toilet as i was bursting to go. I decided to get merch so i looked like i had a real reason to be there and not just to meet the people I've been talking to online. I decided on the blue and red RoadTrip jumper. There was a jumper for HRVY too but i didnt really know him. I was there for RoadTrip. The queue soon went down and it was my turn to meet the boys...

Follow my insta, roadtriptvbanter ❤

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