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Ella's POV:

*One week later*

Blair comes back tomorrow and he doesn't know about me yet. Rye is the only one that knows im with Jack and he hasn't said anything to any of the boys. Me and Jack have only been dating 9 days so we arent that serious but i really like him.

I gathered my stuff together and got ready to leave. "Im coming with you!" Jack shouted. "What! You cant! If my mum sees you she'll kill you!" I said sturnly. "But im not letting you go on your own! Especially if she's there!" He said defending himself. "Im coming too!" Brooklyn said getting involved. "So you're both coming?" "Yes!" They said in sync.

At 11:15am, me, brook and Jack walked to the train station. Luckily it was only round from where the boys live. We got on the train at about 11:30 and the journey was about an hours and a half. I sat next to Jack and Brooklyn sat opposite us. "Jack, im scared. What if she's there? What if she hurts me again? What if-" "No, she wont do anything. I will be there and so will brook so nothings gonna happen." He reassured me.

We got to my house about 13:20. I opened the door and the smell of vanilla filled my nose. Funny, its usually alcohol i can smell. "Ella?" I heard mum say. She didn't seem drunk. I heard her footsteps coming from the kitchen and tensed up. "Oh Ella! It is you! I've missed you so much! I thought id never see you again! I am so sorry for what happened. I've stopped drinking and im going to change." She informed me. Maybe me leaving was a good thing. She pulled me into a hug and just stood there. I dont ever remember my mum being like this. She's always been an alcoholic. She soon noticed Jack and Brooklyn standing in the door way. "Ella sweet heart, who are these boys?" Now its time to explain.

"Mum, this is Jack," i said walking over to him. I didn't introduce him as my boyfriend because Brook doesn't know. "Hi!" Jack said with a smile. I walked over to Brook and gave a faint smile. "And this is Brooklyn" I sighed. She looked shocked. Like she'd just seen a ghost. She knew exactly who he was. "I- we know were siblings. Our surname gives it away." I huffed. "Ella I-" I cut her off. "Why did you not tell me about him? About dad too! All my life, you've made me think that it was all my fault. All this time, i never thought you cared, mainly because you didnt!" I was so close to crying but i wasn't going too. I wasn't gonna cry.

"I was protecting you-" "What from? My own brother? My own father? What were they going to do? It was you i needed protecting from! This is all your fault!" I screamed. "Ella, calm down gorgeous." Jack said, putting his arm around my waist. I quickly pushed his arm away and took a step closer to mum. Brook looked at us confused because of the name he called me. Guess we'll have to tell him but Blair needs to know first. "Ella, your father left me because i was having you! He took Brooklyn with him! I would've told you but i never had the chance!" She replied. "Because you were always drunk out of your mind!" By now the tears were pouring out of my eyes. Jack pulled me into a hug and i cried into his chest. Brooklyn stood there awkwardly. "Ella, there's something i need to tell you." She said quietly. "What? Have i got a sister i don't know about? Maybe even another brother?" I said sarcastically. "No, i have cancer."

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